In which a gangster baddie meets Zion Kuwonu accidentally at a concert, she also happens to be a major stoner.
Will she love him as much as she loves weed?
SPOILER: it's not that hard. I mean- come on; look at him.
"Oh shit! I forgot Z, I came...
a/n: felt like having some visuals 🤷🏽♀️ by the way⚠️⚠️⚠️
After eating some quesadillas, talking, and giving people blankets to sleep, Zion and I made our way upstairs. He went to go shower to "get the sweat and alcohol smell off of him", I just went to his room. I saw the almost rolled blunt I left on Zion's night stand earlier for this moment.
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I licked the end of the blunt, folded it over, licked it again and grabbed the lighter to seal it. Holding it a little ways from my face to inspect my art work. I feel like I haven't smoked a blunt in a lil while.
I grabbed my phone and opened up twitter, the comments were lots of heart eyes and heart emojis, it had 5,000 likes and was just going up. I continued to check my feed liking and commenting on post of the people at the party and such.
"Hey baby," Zion walked in, a towel wrapped around his hips and another towel in his hand he used to dry his hair and face. I instantly held up my artwork like a kid.
"Look at what I made for us! Hurry go change so we can start!" I ushered and he chuckled and walked into his closet. I got out from under the blanket and smoothed it out, laying on top and grabbing the glitter ashtray because I didn't want to risk getting ash in the bed. I feel cute because I just got my nails done a few days before the show and you know how acrylics be changing your personality. Plus after a long day and night, I was finally chillin without those annoying ass pants and with both my lovers, weed & Zion.
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Still waiting for him, I grabbed the remote off the night stand and went to youtube looking for a song to play. Seeing the Prettymuch tag in the recommended, I clicked the first song to pop up which was Rock Witchu which I gotta admit is fiire. I got up and turned off the light and turned on the fairy lights leaving only dim lighting, just how I like it.
Zion walked out of his closet wearing sweats and a wife beater, twisting his dreads. He was on his phone as he walked over and sat down. It took him a second to type whatever and he finally put his phone on the nightstand, screen down.
He peeked his eyes at me before jumping and attacking me with kisses. It was hard laughing and trying to fight him off because 1. He's big, well bigger than me 2. He's tall=he's long and its easier for him to cover me completely 3. I wasn't fully trying... like, at all to be honest.