Linda sat on the end of the couch with me next to her, then Zion next to me. Everyone was listening to some bullshit rappers. I don't fuck with this kinda music to be honest and by the face Linda was making, neither did she.
"Who's playing this wack ass rap music?" Linda asks aloud, she practically read my mind. Everyone quieted down and looked around at eachother.
Issac hesitates but quickly started laughing, "I'm playing my homies music, you ain't gotta do him like that!" He laughed.
"I'm changing this bullshit.." Linda shook her head while she connected to the Bluetooth speaker and started playing Snoop Dogg.
That's the mf homie right there !!
"You better spark that shit fea!" Linda laughed and nudged me.
"No mames, of course !" I took the blunt from behind my ear and slid it between my lips and lit it, taking a few puffs.
As I was taking puffs, Elijah decided to walk over to the edge that Linda was on and slide next to her, forcing her to scoot over and make space for him. She instantly scoffed.
"So mami, how come I never seen you before? I know damn well I would've seen a pretty lady like you from a mile away." Elijah smoothed talked to Linda.
"You never seen me before because this ain't my hood, and these damn sure ain't my homies," She said pointing to everyone but me, "the only reason you seeing my face tonight is for my hermana." She told him straight up. She don't play games.
"Aight, you got that gangsta talk. I dig it mami." He slid his hand around to the back of the couch, hovering over her shoulders.
"I'm not your madre ese." She simply told him while she took the blunt and puffed on it.
"Spicy. I like that look on you baby." He clapped and smiled with his straight white teeth.
"¿Oh si?" She smirked clearly not taking any of this seriously, "well I am Mexicano." She shrugged and passed me back the blunt.
I was so zoned out on watching this funny interaction. It was like 2 worlds that were never supposed to meet, had collided. Zion tapped my shoulder and I turned to face him.
"You Aight?" He asked me chuckling. I shook my head and smiled before leaning up and kissing his lips which he eagerly returned.
After we separated I took a hit, only to hear a girls voice whisper loudly enough so I could barely hear it but I heard, "Eww she smokes so much she's a fucking addict.."
My eyes snapped up to the only other three girls here, Sammy, Haley, and Diamond who I had briefly met.
But Diamond was on the other side of the couch from where I heard it from and Haley was gone, probably in the restroom, and Sammy was staring straight at me but quickly looked away and the person she told it to wasn't even listening to her.
"What the fuck did you say pendeja?" I quickly said and leaned forward, resting my forearm on my knees. Many of the people chilling had quieted down and even Linda had stopped her conversation to lean over like me and see what's going on.
"Why are you looking at me? I didn't say anything?" She stupidly replies. I blow out a breathy laugh and shook my head, I couldn't believe she was tryna lie.
I passed the blunt to Zion and he took it without saying a word, and slowly took a
puff. I knew he needed it before this altercation."Don't play dumb chica." I told her straight up, "I don't fuck with fake people. Especially people tryna get at my man." I added.

STAY HIGH | Zion Kuwonu
FanfictionIn which a gangster baddie meets Zion Kuwonu accidentally at a concert, she also happens to be a major stoner. Will she love him as much as she loves weed? SPOILER: it's not that hard. I mean- come on; look at him. $$$ "Oh shit! I forgot Z, I came...