I kissed Linda on the cheek, "Also my man and his homie are throwing a party soon. I'll text you the info as soon as I get it so swing by." I tell her. She nods to confirm it and goes back into oscars house while I drove back to the PRETTYMUCH household.
The time read- 8:16 PM
I pulled up to the house and parked and locked my car making my way to the door. I knocked before walking in and made my way to the living room.
Only Edwin was there, he was face timing someone.
"Wassup Ed!" I told him and he turned to me and smiled.
"Hey Angel!" He told me nicely. I continued my way to Zion's room and once I reached the top of the stairs I heard screaming, it sounded like painful screams making me have a mini flashback.
"So you want to be a little snitch huh puto?" Oscar scary asked the poor excuse of a man in front of him. That puto snitched on the gang to the police making one of Oscars older cousins land 15 years in jail.
"Please... i-"the older man tried to bargain but was quickly cut off by Oscars booming, sharp voice.
"BASTE!" He roared. I sat in the corner of the room and sipped my beer saying nothing.
That night a life was lost, and it wasn't mine nor Oscars. I'd never forget the screams. It was my first time seeing anything so violent.
I've seen ruthless. I've been ruthless.
My heart sped up as I walked a little faster to Zion's room and that's when I realized it was coming from his room.
I stood outside his closed door and pulled out my knife that was about 7 inches long including the handle and swing the door open.
There sat 3 goofballs playing fortnite. Zion, Austin, and Nick. They looked at me, then my knife, then back at me.
"Babe... what are you doing?" Zion asked me.
I quickly closed the knife into half its size and slipped it back into my pants hidden away, "You guys scared me, I heard screaming." I told them resisting eye contact.
Austin and Nick go back to playing while Zion looked at me with his head cocked. I met his eyes and we looked at each other for a second until he tilted his head beckoning me over to him. I walked quietly to him kind of embarrassed that I just bust through the door with a knife like a maniac.
He patted his lap and I sat down on his leg while his arms wrapped around me and continued playing. While everyone else was already back to normal. I looked back at him and kissed his lips that just called me name, and he kissed me back with equally as much passion.
"Soo... when did that happen?" Nick asks nonchalantly but confused.
"You guys didn't know we were dating?" I asked them.
"YOU GUYS ARE DATING?" Austin asked surprised.
"Yes?" I told him confused on how he wouldn't know, he sees us everyday.
"I thought you guys where just messing around?!" He confessed while playing.
"Nah, she ain't even suck me up yet!" Zion told Austin and Nick.
I felt my face flush red as I slapped Zion sharply on the chest and stood up. I eyes were wide and my mouth hung a little open.
I scoffed and shook my head giving him one last look before walking out of the room.
"You know not to talk about girls like that, it's rude and it makes them feel like an object, a sex object and..." Austin replied but I walked downstairs before he could finish his little speech making me feel like a proud person to be his friend.
I grabbed a water bottle before walking into the garage where I believed Brandon was.
Once I walked inside I saw him bopping his head to some music and I sat on a couch next to his chair, making him look at me.
"Hey Brandon." I tell him.
"Hey Angie." He responds.
"Don't call me that." I quickly interject.
"Oh sorry," He cheekily responds, "what brings you to my palace"
Such a nerd.
"Zion being a little shit." I shrug and pull out a joint I have out of my pocket, "Wanna smoke?"
"Yeah why not." He responds and turns his whole body towards me.
I light the joint between my lips and puff on it, letting my body relax. I take another quick puff and do a ghost then passed it to Brandon.
He deeply inhaled and help it for a second before blowing it out, immediately letting out a cough and taking a sip of his red bull.
"That's strong !" He tells and after another sip of his drink and passing me back the joint.
"You know I only smoke gas." I told him playfully and nudged his arm. I held the joint up to my lips inhaling and doing a ghost before passing it back to him.
"How do you do that?" He asked me referring to the smoke trick.
It took me about 2 minutes to explain how to hold it in his mouth and let it go only to quickly suck it back up and he got the hang of it mostly.
I'm a great teacher. Well maybe I should teach Zion to not talk about our personal life like a video game. Actually he should already know tha-
"Earth to Angel!" Brandon said poking my kneecap. I shook my head ridding of my thoughts and nodded at him meaning he had my attention.
"Are you okay?" He asked me not breaking eye contact.
"Yea I just feel a little betrayed.." I try to explain. Brandon ashes the joint before taking a puff and doing a decent ghost and passing it back to me.
He slumps back in his chair and looks up, showcasing his strong jawline, and blowing out the smoke towards the ceiling then looked lazily back down at me.
"How come?" 2 words. 2 simple words. 2 incredibly simple words was all it took to spill my guts.
I ended up telling him the whole situation that happened upstairs, leaving out the knife part because I don't need that embarrassment again, but I mentioned us dating which I know sparked questions but he was kind enough to let me finish. I talked about what Zion said and how Austin backed me up even when I left the room.
"Hmmm..." He said rubbing his chin with little hair, "it could be because he's sexually frustrated," I nodded my head slightly in agreement.
"But I think it's more like he was joking with the boys who talk about hoes occasionally and he temporarily forgot how to treat a lady." He explained and I saw where he was coming from.
"But I'm his girlfriend, not some lotion bottle built ass hoe, big head small body bitch.." I said my anger making my fists ball up.
"I know that, you know that, and he definitely knows that by the way he talks about you when your not there. It's never about your body or your looks like other girls, he really likes you especially for being unapologetically yourself. And for making him happy." He explained to me making me swoon.
"He just got carried away." Brandon waved off before turning to his screen.
"Now listen to this fire ass track.." He continues and clicks a few things before a melody starts playing
I held the joint, that went out a while ago while we were talking, and lit it again taking a few puffs and handing it to Brandon.
He bopped his head to the music while I swang my body back and forth feeling the music.
"This shits fire B," I tell him, "no one can do what you do because you do it like no one else."
"Thanks Angie, I appreciate it." He tells me honestly.
"Still not sticking." I remind him shaking my head and we burst in a fit of giggles.

STAY HIGH | Zion Kuwonu
FanficIn which a gangster baddie meets Zion Kuwonu accidentally at a concert, she also happens to be a major stoner. Will she love him as much as she loves weed? SPOILER: it's not that hard. I mean- come on; look at him. $$$ "Oh shit! I forgot Z, I came...