for some reason I couldn't add visuals like I wanted to (wattpad didn't let me 🙄) so I made a super long chapter. p.s. this is one whole day.
Zion and I walked into house behind Joseph. We weren't holding hands but I think I could count on him being glued to my side today. It was a quick tour through the house as we walked straight through it because everybody was kickin it outside.
"There you are pinche perro!" Oscar said seeing Joseph first, his laugh following after was booming. Their hands made a loud clap as they did their handshake, then Oscar looked at us.
His large arm, that was almost the size of my head, reached around my shoulders as he pulled me into a hug. My head laid in his chest as I hugged him back, his wife beater smelled like he was definitely working hard on the grill.
"I would ask where you've been but I see you've brought the answer right here." Oscar joked as he let go of me and gave Zion a handshake also, before leading the way to everybody else.
There was carne, ribs, and hot dogs on the grill and a table next to it with condiments, vegetables, chips and tequila. White lawn chairs where laid out with everyone sitting and chatting. Coolers were next to the chairs and I know one was filled with beers and margarita mixes while another one was most likely filled with sodas and juices for the kids that ran around.
I looked towards the grassy area of the backyard and saw Sol laying down on his back while one of the kids was scratching his belly and Bella was sitting down as other kids gave her treats for tricks, both dogs had long chains attached to their collar at the moment, most likely so they don't get into the food while no one is looking.
After seeing Joseph's younger brother Jax, who is the same age as Letty, I decided to let her know to come eat some food here. I sent her a quick text before putting my phone away and grabbing Zions hand leading him to the grill to get some meat.
After decorating our whole plates with food we went to go sit with everybody else on the white chairs.
"So, you're together with Angel eh?" Adolfos deep voice spoke up. I looked at Zion and expected him to look at me but he answered while maintaining eye contact.
"Yeah, she's got me stuck on her." he chuckled before looking at me. I lightly pinched his chin because I didn't want to kiss him in front of everyone yet, I don't know how that will play out because I'm the youngest of practically all of them.
"She's very beautiful and charming so I could see how easy it is to fall for her," Adolfo shrugged his shoulders.
Oscar piped up from the grill, "You forgot that shes crazy but I haven't seen her as settled down then as with you." He chuckled wiping his sweat from the heat.
"Don't play it like I'm psycho," I told Oscar while flipping him off and laughing.
"If he wasn't there you would've fuck up that one hyna, the day I picked up you and Linda" he pointed at me using his beer.
"How do you know that shit foo? You came after!" I scrunched my eyebrow in confusion.
"Linda." Was all he said while shrugging.
"Chismoso!" I said loudly and accusingly while laughing, it was his turn to flip me off.
"You know you're pretty lucky right?" Jose asked Zion and I tuned into their conversation.
"Of course." Zion nodded his head while his hand came and sat on my thigh grabbing the inside of it. I know he didn't mean anything because he always does this but my leg felt tingly with his touch.

STAY HIGH | Zion Kuwonu
FanficIn which a gangster baddie meets Zion Kuwonu accidentally at a concert, she also happens to be a major stoner. Will she love him as much as she loves weed? SPOILER: it's not that hard. I mean- come on; look at him. $$$ "Oh shit! I forgot Z, I came...