"This ain't Compton." Letty bluntly said.
"I know." I spoke driving up the hill to go to their house.
"Since when do yo have friends that don't live in Compton." She asks me, thinking really hard.
"I have a lot of friends thank you very much." I tell her sassily.
"Yea that live in Compton. You practically know the whole block and they mamas and they mamas mama." She told me giggling.
We pull into the house and park. We grab all the shopping bags and walk towards the front door and I just let myself in with Letty following but she was cautious because she never been here.
"Oh hey Angel, you already back?" Brandon said walking into the kitchen and grabbing a water bottle.
Letty turned around and screamed, an ear piercing scream, making both me and Brandon cover our ears.
"OH MY GODD BRANDON!! I LOVE YOU WTF!!" She screamed at him and ran to hug him, making him smile.
After a second of hugging him, she turned only her head and gave me a death stare.
"Angel why didn't you tell me you knew prettymuch?!" She told me deadly.
I raised my hands in surrender.
"Slipped my mind?" I tried and gave a loopy smile. She shook her head and reburied it in Brandon's chest while I took a cute picture for her to cherish later.
Nick and Austin came downstairs and around the corner to the kitchen. Making Letty almost scream again. She charged at them and hugged them both.
"I REALLY LOVE YOU GUYS, ON GOD!!" She said already pouting. They hugged her back harder.
"We love you too!" Austin said and Nick nodded and added, "very much."
Letty was already tearing up so I took another picture.
"Alright Letty kick back." I told her making her glare at me but pull away slowly. I open the fridge and pull one, out of many, of my vitamin waters that I left here.
"You guys pack already?" I ask the guys and see all them nod.
"For the Texas stop?" Letty asks smiling up at Brandon.
"Yup, you truly are a part of the beanz huh?" He told her and put his arm around her shoulder and she smiled so hard I though she broke her jaw.
I practically made goodie bags for all the boys and gave Nick, Austin, and Brandon theirs because they were right here and I grabbed Edwins and Zion's and let myself upstairs leaving Letty with Brandon.
I followed the steps I remember and open Zion's door and see Edwin helping Zion pick outfits.
"No. This sweater is trash, why do you still have it? I told you it was ugly 6 months ago." Edwin said making me laugh and both of them look up and see me leaning against the door frame.
"Oh thank god your here Angel," Zion said and came over and gave me a hug that always takes me to cloud-9, I don't know if it's his height or his cologne but I love it.
"I asked Edwin to help me pick out my outfits and he was being a little brat so, can you help me instead?" I hear Edwin scoff and I laugh and nod.
"I guess I'll be needed else where," he dramatically said and started to walk out.
"Wait Edwin, here." I handed him his 'goodie bag' and he thanked me and left, closing the door.
"I got you one too!" I smiled at Zion and hopped in his bed with him following.
"What's inside?" He asked and I start poking through everything.
"I got you a water bottle, gold fish, Chex mix, and a few of the fruit flavored cough drops because those are good," I tell him.
"And I got gummies but only for you." I tell him and put my finger up to my lips, "but you have to get someone else to feed it to you."
He pouted and squished my cheeks making me laugh and swat his hands away.
We suddenly heard a scream downstairs making Zion sit up quickly and then instantly regretted it, for a second I forgot he even had a hangover.
"Sorry it's just my sister, she's a really big fan.." I apologize.
"It's alright.." he says holding his head, so I pull his head against my chest and start playing with his dreads again to calm his headache and his breathing instantly regulates.
"Your boobs are comfortable." He said quietly making me laugh really loud.
"Your so..." I laughed speechless.
"Cute? Hot? Handsome? All of the above?" He said making me laugh again.
"Yea sure, all of the above." I said through my giggles and somehow, I swear, I felt him smile against my chest.

STAY HIGH | Zion Kuwonu
FanfictionIn which a gangster baddie meets Zion Kuwonu accidentally at a concert, she also happens to be a major stoner. Will she love him as much as she loves weed? SPOILER: it's not that hard. I mean- come on; look at him. $$$ "Oh shit! I forgot Z, I came...