Part 5: Let's Be Lucky People, You & Me

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Joanna's POV

We sat there just relishing in each other's comfort and company. Remington held my hand with one hand, and laid his arm around my waist with the other. We gazed at the stars in the dark night sky, and as sad as I was feeling, he seemed to make me feel like everything would be okay and I had nothing to worry about, even if it wasn't true.

I broke the silence when I decided to tell him about me and my band. "Years ago, when we were young and broke, me and my friends had the dream to create our own legacy of rock n' roll to be remembered in this city. The first few years after we got popular were amazing and I was so grateful we got to make people happy. But then Luke, our lead singer, fell too hard into the popularity, and the fame infected his mind and heart. He decided to take credit for everything we do, and almost all of us got left out of the picture. Worst of all, me. He never mentioned my name or even a back-up singer. I never spoke out because he's best friends with my cousin, Jasper, who also hates you and your band unreasonably with a passion. He's had this overprotective vibe on me since our parents died when we were teenagers, and says he just doesn't want to see me hurt, but I think he's taken it too far."

I continued as he smiled while listening to my story, "When I heard about your band, I didn't see why I should hold any resentment toward you, even if we were rivals. My band members tried so hard to make me hate you guys, but there literally isn't any hate in my heart. Even after seeing my parents being buried in the ground, I remember them telling me that no matter what I may go through in my life, to always have a smile on my face to remain strong and pure, and when I meet the love of my life," I faced him while his eyes were full of love and admiration, "to never let him go and live each day with him as if it were our last." I then laid my hand on his cheek as I concluded. "That's just what I intend to do, despite the circumstances."

He leaned in to kiss me and I kissed back, savoring every second we were close. He laid my hands on my neck, pulling me in closer and deepening the kiss, knowing when to stop. I let my arms rest on his shoulders and ran my hand through his black, spiky hair. It felt like we weren't even on Earth anymore. Everything that made this love between us seem impossible seemed to melt away whenever I was with him. If only I had the power to stop time, I'd pause this moment right here, so the feeling would last forever.

He pulled away for a second, then stood up and pulled me up to join him. We walked me offstage, and led me farther away from the stage to a clear grassy field. I looked up for a second to look at the bright night sky, and the full moon above us that was so beautiful and serene. I was about to say something when I looked down and noticed he was on one knee while he had a ring in one hand, and was holding my hand in the other.

Remington's POV

Her eyes became wide as she saw the ring I held, which was my Harry Potter one, because it was my favorite. I was able to gain enough courage to say what needed to be said as I stood in front of her, with my heart crossed. "Joanna, I know we barely met, but I believe our meeting wasn't just coincidental, but destined. We found love in a hopeless place, but our love gives me hope without any explanation. Your parents might be right, and I think we should live each day with each other as if it were our last. So, if you'd let me, I ask if you can make me the happiest boy alive and marry me, ma chérie?"

She didn't say anything for a while, and I started to feel sad. But, then I saw tears well up in her eyes, and slowly she nodded. My heart soared in that moment, and I started crying too. I slid the ring on her finger, and it looked more beautiful on her hand than it ever did on mine. She went down to my level to wrap her arms around my neck and hug me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her waist and cradled her head as she cried in my shoulder. When I faced her, I wiped her tears away as she smiled like she was the happiest girl alive. She leaned in for a kiss, until we heard someone shout her name. "JOANNA! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

We quickly turned to where the voice was, and saw a figure of a boy who must have been one of her band members. She took my arm and she ran to a nearby tent that we could only hide in temporarily. "He's going to find us, I have to go back." She was about to walk out when I caught her wrist, "Wait!" She turned, but was afraid we'd be discovered together. So, I tried to be quick. "Before the day starts tomorrow, meet me at the church tomorrow, and I'll bring someone I know will be happy to marry us. I'll be counting the seconds until we see each other again." She smiled and kissed me quickly before she ran out to return with her band for the night. I fell to the ground, love and excitement taking over my heart as I realized my curse was finally lifted and I felt like living again.

As I walked back toward my tour bus, I made a call to someone who I know would help me to marry me and Joanna. Their tone was excited and giddy, and they said they'd be happy to help. I thanked them and told them goodnight before hanging up. As I got to my bus, I did my best to quietly open and close the bus door, and then lay down in my bunk. As I drifted to sleep, I thought about all the things I loved about Joanna and what I hoped would come when we got married.

AHHH!!! I actually love writing this story, and I can't wait to take it further! I hope you all are enjoying it as well and if you want to, please share it with others you believe will enjoy the story as well. Thank you so much and I love the Royal Council with all my heart! 💗💗💗

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