Part 9: Stay With Me, My Blood

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Joanna's POV

I didn't say anything for probably two whole minutes. Then, Ivy and our publicist were staring me down, and I felt even more intimidated. Then, something clicked in my head, and I knew exactly what to do. I let the tears I was holding in fall down my cheeks, and then I smiled and said, "Yes, Luke. Of course I'll marry you." I quickly removed my wedding ring without him seeing, and he smiled and slid his engagement ring in my hand. He then held me, and tried to kiss me, but I quickly evaded it, so the cameras would believe enough of it. Then, when they were gone, I asked Luke, "Luke, before we do anything too rash, can I show you the church I want to be married in?" He gave me a funny look, but since there were still press people in our house, he nodded and said, "of course, love. Anything for you." I glared at him as we walked out the door, and got in his car.

As we drove, I gave him a serious look and asked for an explanation. He looked at me for a minute, then eventually gave in. "Alright, I know you're not stupid, so I should tell you. Our publicist wanted to get the attention away from Jasper having his arm broken from one of the boys from Palaye Royale, so he thought it would be a good idea if there was an engagement within the band. That way, our fans don't spread so much negativity and worry over us or them. Once we're finally married, you'll finally be able to have the media you want." I couldn't help but look at him with disgust, and shake my head at what he said. "You could have thought of anything else to do, especially since you've ignored me for years." He tried to act all innocent, like he hadn't done anything wrong. "But, just for the sake of the band, I will go through with this." He gave me a surprised look, and then I told him where to go until we got to the church.

Before we spoke to Stephanie, I texted her in the car what just happened and asked her to play along while I was with Luke. She replied quickly with a thumbs-up emoji. We were talking about wedding dates and decor and all that fake bullshit. After a good while, I asked Luke to give me and Stephanie a few minutes to talk about personal things and to wait for me in the car. He said okay, and I told him not to wait up for me if I took too long. He nodded once before exiting through the front doors. once he was gone, I ran into Stephanie and cried into her chest. "I know, sweetie," she consoled me. "This is indeed tragic, but I'm going to help you however I can." I turned to her and stated, "It would have been better if we never met, and none of this would've have ever happened!" She put her hands on my shoulders, and looked at me seriously. "Don't you ever say that, Joanna! The look in my son's eyes made me realize that you were exactly what he needed to be happy when he had lost hope for so long."

"You restored his faith that he does deserve to live happily ever after. And I couldn't be more proud of the girl he chose to spend the rest of his life with." I smiled and blushed at her remark. "I have a plan for you to escape your engagement, and run away with Remington to a place you both can live peacefully." I nodded as she took me to another room. She walked to a drawer and pulled out a syringe. I got scared as she started to explain what it is. "This was a special drug someone made me in case I ever needed to escape someone who kidnapped me. It has the ability to shut your body system down for 24 hours and put you in a death-like sleep. After that, you'll wake up as if you have just taken a nap, your body system completely normal again." It seemed like a huge risk to take, but I it meant I could be with Remington again for good, I was willing to take it.

Remington's POV

As I rode my way out of the city, I kept thinking about what I had done to both our bands and families. As if I hadn't done enough to screw things up for us. Our fans will never be able to be in the same room as Calypso's fans with starting a bloodbath. My mind was becoming my worst enemy yet again, and making me believe that I shouldn't have started any of this and that it was my fault all of this happened. But then my heart overcame my mind and reminded me of the feeling I had whenever I was with Joanna since the very moment we stood on that stage, and made beautiful music together with our voices. How could she be overlooked in her band when she had the voice of an angel? Hell, she was better than me, and I can live with her outselling me.

My heart was locked when I rode across the town line. And now I had to wait for whatever my mom had planned. I didn't tell Joanna, but when Emerson found out about my wedding ring, I realized I could trust him and the morning after me and Joanna spent the night together, I texted him telling him everything. His reaction was a bit shocked at our marriage, but he said he knew I loved her and she loved me that night at the party and was happy I found someone who made me happy. He said he promised not to tell anyone, but hopes someday if there weren't such hate between the bands, he could formally meet her and make her part of the family. I'm sure my brothers would love her for the beautiful soul she is.

When I checked my phone for the time, it was a little past midnight. But I realized I was fucked when I didn't realize Wi-Fi or bars on my phone. How was anyone going to get to me now?

OOH! This is starting to get good, and I can't wait to see how you all like this story. I hope you are enjoying it, and some of you are sharing it if you want to. Thank you for all the reads and votes!!! 💕💕💕

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