Part 10: Far Too Young To Die

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Joanna's POV

When I left with the syringe in my purse, I walked back a little. I didn't mind how far it was, I guess I just didn't want to have to face Luke or any of them immediately. As I was walking, I walked passed the famous Moon Child Cliff that was the highest cliff above the beach that lead to the ocean. They said that's where famous rock n' roll artists started writing songs and learning their first instruments. That was the positive side of the cliff. The negative part was that it was said that it was where musicians entrapped by fame and infected by influence would go to throw themselves off to end it all. Most people believed that's where they would go to kill themselves. The funny thing was, their bodies were never found.

When I could no longer see the cliff, I accidently bumped into a girl when I wasn't looking. "Oh, I'm so sorry", I apologized. "You really need to watch where you're going, dumbass," she exclaimed. I then looked at her, and realized who it was. "Oh, my God. You're Veronica, aren't you?", I asked with a fire sparking inside of me. "Yeah, why do you ask?", she responded. I then slapped her right across her face, and sent her flying to the ground. The anger and resentment in my heart sparked so bright as I thought of the hurt and pain she caused my husband. "You lying bitch! How dare you take advantage of a sweet boy who just wanted to give you the world? I hope you reap what you sow!" I then walked away while she silently cussed at me still on the ground with her nose bleeding.

When I got home, my band greeted me and the cameras were gone, so I ignored Luke, but then I turned to tell him "I'm sorry for making you wait, but I'm just going to go to sleep and maybe we'll talk some more in the morning." He nodded and told me good night. As I reached my bedroom, I sat and sent two last texts to Stephanie and to Remington: both telling the others what's to happen, and that I was ready to start over with Remington when this was over. Then, I took the syringe out of my purse and examined it. I never liked needles, but I had to overcome my fear to be stronger and be happy. So, I took a deep breath, and injected the drug in my arm. It stung like a bitch for a couple of seconds, but then it was over after I took it out. I threw the syringe out of the window so they wouldn't suspect anything, and laid down on the bed.

Stephanie said the drug will take effect one hour after I inject it, and then my body will be on temporary shutdown for 24 hours. I drifted off into a peaceful slumber as I thought about my future with Remington.

Remington's POV

It's been a few hours since I crossed the town line, and I was already going insane. Not just with me having no signal on my phone, but this is probably the longest I've ever gone without Joanna by my side. She was usually the one to help me feel calm and make me happy even when I seemed to collapse. I'm not sure how I was able to live so long without her, and she seemed like she's had been waiting for someone to remind her she does exist even when she feels invisible. I hoped that if this feud between our bands end in one way or another, despite our differences, I would love to meet her band members. I would want to tell them that she is amazing and so incredible and she should be appreciated more.

I was looking at my wedding ring, and thought of all the promises I had made in my heart to always take care of her, and make sure she never feels abandoned or ignored ever again. When we made our vows, I thought of all the places I would take her that I've already seen with my band, and all the places I haven't seen yet but would want to see with her. I thought about when we'd finally start a family, how I'd spoil those kids rotten and make sure nobody fucks with them and just hopefully be there for them, no matter what. My brothers would be the coolest uncles in the world, with Emerson teaching them about art , and Sebastian probably making them chess masters like he once was. I know they'd love our mom, because she's the coolest mom ever and would be an awesome grandma. And no matter what obstacles we may face in our lifetime, I will always be there to support and take care of Joanna.

Thinking all this, I saw a kind of club that seemed to carry a high pride of music on the outside of the building, with huge neon signs that shaped music notes, and the name of the building read in a brightly colored marquee, "ROCK N' ROLL WILL NEVER DIE". I decided to stop there to check out the place, locking my bike to a stop sign. I made my way toward the mysterious place, and walked through the front doors. Inside the building was breathtaking wherever I turned my head. There were chandeliers hanging, people dancing around like time never stopped for them, and some even danced on tabletops. The bar was exquisite and gorgeous, and music played like it replaced oxygen. What was this mysterious place and how come I've never heard of it? When I saw who was singing on the stage, I started to believe I was dead.

🤔🤔🤔 What is this mysterious building that Remington has stumbled upon and how does it hold significance to this story? Stay tuned to find out! I live writing this story so much, and I can't wait to see what you all think of it when it's finished. Thank you and I love you! 😘😘😘

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