Chapter 1: Marriage

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Hanji's POV

I sighed softly after reading the company's charts. Everything was failing... and, Father was getting anxious about the failure that afraid about it collapsing among the other fallen ones. Things became stressful... Father was running out of ideas to keep this company afloat.

"Hanji." I turned to see Father walking into the office room with a grim look on his face. He looks up to me, not smiling as he used to. When he looked at me, it felt... full of regret. "I'm sorry..." He says to me, looking down.

"Father?" Walking towards him, he fell onto a nearby chair. 

He silently looks up and takes my hand. "Hanji... I'm sorry..." He repeats. Looking sorrowfully at me. 

"Father... what's going on?" I asked with worriness filling my voice as I sat next to him. I still looked into his eyes, trying to get a feeling about what he was apologizing for. But it was no use.

"Hanji... you're getting married."

Those few words... I never thought to hear it for the first time by my father. Marriage... I never did find someone to love... no boyfriend, no lovers. Nothing... so it was arranged. "Arranged marriage? Father... with whom?"

"A guy name Levi Ackerman. He's... he's gonna inherit the company, and hopefully bring everything back up. Hanji, forgive me... I didn't want to... but for your and everyone else's sake... I had to. I hope he'll be a good husband to you..."

"I hope so too, Father..." I said to him, kissing on his cheek. "I'll... I'll love him..."

"My sweet blossom..." Father says, stroking my cheek with a faint smile on his face. "Be a good girl... and don't let this company fail."

I nodded to him, promising my last promise to him. "I will."

*   *   *

"You look beautiful, Hanji." Nanaba said, chuckling softly. She turns me to the mirror... and I was breath-taking. A white veil was on my hair with a pure silky wedding dress. I smiled at it, hoping Father would one day see it... but I bet he would've told me that I was beautiful.

I chuckled softly, nodding in agreement. "I do..."

"So... what does the lucky guy look like? Hope he looks cute or something..." She chuckles softly. "Come on, I want details on the guy."

Sighing, I looked down, remembering what Father told me. "I... I don't know him... but, I'll love him."

"Wait... you're marrying someone you have never met? Isn't that bad?" She tilts her head with worriness. "I mean... you don't know him, you don't know what he looks like- you don't even know what he does for a living-"

"But I do know is that Father wanted me to marry him... and I can only hope that he's a good person deep inside."

Nanaba sighed heavily, looking at me with concern. "Alright. When it does come to it, tell me and I will handle it."

"Nanaba!" I chuckled, laughing it off. "Come on, don't be that mean."

She laughs as well. "I mean it. For my best friend, I'll keep him in check. Promise." Her eyes twinkled with promise. And I nodded to her.

*   *   *

My heart beat fast as I heard the music and people began to stare at me. My hands grew sweaty as I held the bouquet in my hands. I was used to the attention- to being stared at... but doing this in front of people... it was weird...

I slowly walked down the aisle, walking forward and keeping my back straight. It was a small party- just with the higher ups in the company... I haven't met them to know them personally, but I have seen them around.

Once I reached the gazebo, I saw an unusually short man, 5'3, in front. Black, raven-haired with gray eyes. He seemed... not like I expected. For one... I expected him... taller. I thought he would smile, but he had a stone-cold face. But one thing for sure... he had beautiful eyes...

We began to make our vows, and this man's voice... powerful and overwhelming. And once we were done and after we were married, he took me off to the side to talk.

"S-Sorry we... you know... never got to know each other before... all of this..." He says, looking down. "I really did want to know you, Hanji."

Most of the time, I wasn't surprised of people knowing my name... but for some reason, it was a surprise to me. "Y-Yeah... me too."

He chuckles a bit, holding my hand. It felt... warm and it drifted into my cold hands. I smiled softly to him as he pulled me down for a kiss... and it felt... great. For the slightest second, I felt true love... and I thought it would never end... that I will always feel this feeling...

But I guess I was wrong...

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