Chapter 8: Bargain

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"You're not too cold?" Levi asked me as he put his coat around me. I chuckled softly to him while his voice remain cold and emotionless. "Hanji? Please answer me..."

I chuckled again as I leaned into him. "I'm fine, Levi... really. No need to worry for me right now." I kissed his forehead- our first dinner date in months... 8 months pregnant and we're having this. Hoping that this won't be the last one.

A faint smile appeared on his face, "I can't stop worrying about you... you're close..." His hands went to the bump, rubbing it softly. "Very close..."

Once more, I chuckled softly, leaning onto him. "Don't worry... let's get home. Tomorrow... can we do it again?"

"Do what, Hanji?"

"Date night again... please." He nods and smiled. "I want another date night like this-"

Levi began to chuckle softly, but a group of guys trampled over to us. "Hanji, get back!"

One of the men walked up and grinned towards us. "Well well... we got the CEOs... what a prize." His eyes then gazed downwards and his grin grew wide. "She's pregnant, boys!" And his boys all laughed with him.

Levi scoffed and pushed me away. If I was behind him... then- I yelped when I felt hands gripping on my arms and my waist. "Levi!"

"Hanji!" Panic filled his face... and I remembered what he said months ago and how he wanted to protect me... he spun around and watched the man walk towards me. A small light came and disappeared when the man spun something in his hand. "Leave her alone."

But the man simply laughed. "Why should I?" A cold, sharp object almost pierced my stomach... and I felt the man drag it upwards. "A little precious girl like her with a baby inside of her... I think I'm gonna enjoy her." The man leaned forward and smirked. "You run... and I will kill both you and your little child inside of you."

"Leave her alone..."

"Pardon me?" The man turned behind me -pressing against me- and smirked when the knife was still pressed against me. It took almost everything to keep calm and not cry out for help. "You want me to leave her alone? Pu-lease." He stops for a minute and smirks again. "Maybe I would... on one condition..."

"What condition?" Levi knew his boundaries, slowly pushing it as he slowly stepped close.

The man sighed and slowly pierced my skin, drawing small beads of blood. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Step back, Levi... I'm warning you... before this knife goes... sigh, deeper."

"Damn... you..." Levi narrowed his eyes to the man, yet his eyes were gentle when he saw me... attempting to soothe me.

The man chuckles, leaving the knife in place. "I want... 5 thousand dollars. Seems fair... a CEO daughter and her child..."

Levi looked down in defeat... knowing this ransom. "... Fine..."

The man smirked and cut a small slash against my stomach. "Tomorrow, I want it here. Tomorrow,  at 10 am, sharp. Tomorrow, it will be here. No fakes or inked bills. Else..." His eyes gazed at me as I put pressure on my wound with Levi wrapping his arms around me, helping me put pressure. "I will kill her."

*   *   *

"Hanji..." Levi gently says to me when I was taken to the hospital and waited for news. The cut wasn't too deep, but it did bring blood -lots of it- and yet... we feared it might've infected the wound or the baby... "I'm sorry... I didn't want you to end up like... my friends..."

Uttering a small chuckle, I took his hands. "I don't blame you... thanks..."

"I will kill that guy-"


"No!" His voice raised with anger. "He hurt you... and I will make him pay... scum like him will be put down..." He slowly composed himself and sighed. "I'm not giving him a damn thing."

A sudden knock at the door came and the doctor walked in. "Mrs. Ackerman, I got some news." We both turned to him, waiting for them. "The wound isn't infected, nor does it affect the child. But I recommend you to stay here for awhile. Seems to me contractions are starting to begin."

Levi looked at the doctor confusingly. "Contractions? Starting to begin?"

The doctor nods, "Your wife is gonna give birth soon. In a few hours, contractions are gonna start and a prolific amount of hours of having contractions before the birthing begins."

"Which means... sometime tomorrow?"

He nods, "Yes. Sometime tomorrow."

Hatred and Love {LeviHan}Where stories live. Discover now