Chapter 5: Forever...

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Hanji's POV

I felt and seen Levi since I came home from that accident. He seemed nice, but refused for me to leave without him by my side. I grew tired of it within a week. At first, I thought it was because he was panicking too much because of the incident. I thought that he would soo grow over it once he knows that I can take care of myself again. And... I enjoyed the fact that Levi cared for me.

But now... he's trapping me inside this house, never letting me go. He worked from home, keeping me company. And whenever I wanted to leave for a breath of fresh air- he always insisted that I should come with him.

Whatever this was... he was being way overprotective and controlling... and I hate it. I may have loved it, but now, it's enraging.

It felt worse when it began to pour- and like my feelings inside... it just fell and fell, and fell. I sighed heavily, wanting to feel the rain again... but-

"Hanji! Get inside!" Levi shouts at me, grabbing me away from the cold window and dragged me to the center of the room. 

I squealed a bit as he pulled me away from the windows. He quickly ensure it was locked and the curtains were pulled over it. "L-Levi! What the hell?!"

He slowly walked over to me, firmly placing his hands on my arms... locking me. "You're gonna get sick if you stayed by the window-"

"I wasn't, jackass!" I shouted towards him, running away as quickly as possible towards the room.


I slammed the door behind me, crying softly. My back slid down against the door, sighing heavily. I'm just... feeling broken now.

There was light banging against the door, and Levi's calming voice reached out to me. "Hanji... please open the door."

"No..." I whispered softly. I didn't care if he heard me or not. "Please..."

"You know I love you, Hanji... I dont want you hurt. Not like last time..."

"It was an accident!" I cried to him, letting the tears slip down. "I only suffered a small concussion! And only a few stitches!"

Levi then slammed his hand against the door, and I jumped to my feet. Would he... break the door down if he could? "You were still hurt... Hanji..."

"E-Enough!" My hands slammed against my ears and I fell to my knees. The glasses that were on my face fell to the ground as I collapsed. "Levi... enough... I hate it. What happened to you?"

He was silent the whole time. When my eyes grew tired in the dark, I fell to my side and became exhausted. I strained to keep them open when I saw the door open and Levi was kneeling. I gasped a bit as he walked towards me.

"Shh shh... it's okay, Hanji... I'll take care of you. I won't let you leave me. I won't ever let you get hurt. You're mine, Hanji..." He kissed me on the cheek as the darkness pulled me back.  "I have you..."

Hatred and Love {LeviHan}Where stories live. Discover now