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Hanji's POV

"Raven! Zayden! That's enough!" My voice raised a bit as I watched them fight over a sandwich. I sighed as I began to work on another sandwich. My eyes stared down to Zayden. "Give that one to your sister. I'm making yours right now."

He then pouts with his hazel eyes and gave it to his sister. "She's mean!" He says before stomping off to the living room.

Raven simply snickered and stuck her tongue out. "Mommy sides with me!"

I sighed, shaking my head to her. "Raven, stop being mean to your little brother. Be nicer to him. You're the older sister after all." I quickly finish the sandwich and put it on a plate before giving it off to Raven. "Give that to him. Nicely."

She groaned softly as she goes up and walks to Zayden. I never thought a 5-year old girl would act this rude to a 3-year old boy... but I did grow up as a loner child. Chuckling, I watched them pout and continue to be sassy to one another.

"Having fun, Hanji?" I turned to see Levi, ready to go to work. "Or are those brats acting up again?"

Once more, I chuckled. "Them being normal... going so soon?"

He chuckles, holding my hand. I felt that love I once felt when we first got married... that feeling of hope again. Levi never felt controlling again- though there was those moments where he would be a bit controlling. Nothing I couldn't handle. After all... he was just a bit concerning for his little family. Heh... 

"Don't leave me alone with these three tricksters." My hand then rubbed on the baby bump, which was due in a few more months. "Especially this one..."

Levi chuckled, stepping away. "Sorry, Hanji... I promise with this one, I will stay home until you can handle these three. Got it? I'm not breaking this promise."

I nodded to him, watching him leave. "Bye, Levi..."

Rapid footsteps then thundered towards Levi. "Daddy! Don't go!" Raven shouts as she jumped into Levi and hugging him close. "Stay, Daddy..."

He simply chuckled and kissed her forehead as Zayden walks over with tears brimming to his eyes. "Da-da... no!"

"Levi, you're pretty outnumbered..." I snickered as Levi scowled. "What's it gonna be, huh?"

With defeat in his eyes, Levi sighed. "Fine... I'll take a vacation day off..." And then both the little kids cheered in pride and happiness. "You guys all owe me for that, okay?"

"Yes, Daddy..." All the kids then hugged him, holding him tightly.

"Now who wants to get ice cream, huh?" Levi asks as he watches everyone. "Get dressed first, alright?" I chuckled softly as the kids were overcome with the want for some sweets. Funny how they were disappointed with Levi leaving and were easily fixed with ice cream.

Hatred and Love {LeviHan}Where stories live. Discover now