Chapter 4: Accidents

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Levi's POV

"Hanji! Hanji!" I shouted into the phone, knowing it wouldn't go through. I heard it though... she was speaking and a loud crash before I lost connection with her. My fists clenched together as anger began to surge. 

I lost her... and the last thing she had on her mind was about me not telling her the truth about me. But I meant it... she doesn't need to know... she can't know. She won't understand me. But... even through everything... I still loved her. I loved Hanji as I always do... I didn't mean to make her feel that I was a controlling bastard... I would do anything to have her back by my side.

Gathering my breath, I quickly dialed for 9-1-1, hoping they can trace the phone back to the origins... back to Hanji. I pray that she was safe... that she was alive. That she can still come back into my arms...

*   *   *

Not a minute was wasted when I rushed to the hospital, hearing news about Hanji. I pleaded that she wasn't badly injured...

Frantically, I asked every staff member: "Where is Hanji Zoe?"

They all relied that they didn't know. But one in particular said that if Hanji was in a car accident, she would be in the O.R., and I wouldn't know if she was alive or dead yet.

*   *   *

My hands fiddled with each other with every passing minute. I couldn't even pass the time without worrying her. I pushed her away... I pushed her to the car accident. I shouldn't have let her leave me. If I only had grabbed her... if only I could have stopped her from leaving, Hanji wouldn't be here.

When I saw a doctor walking out, I immediately stood up and walked over to them. "Hanji Zoe. She was in a car accident, last I heard, is she there?" I asked, attempting to hold my composure as calmly as possible.

He sighed, nodding his head. "Ah her. I received her to check for trauma and/or concussions. Brunette, dark brown eyes, glasses?" I nodded to confirm. "She's resting at the moment. Suffered a concussion. Please be careful."

I nodded. "I will. Where is she?"

*   *   *

I ran up towards the room they assigned her to, and I saw her on the hospital bed. Her chest slowly rose up and down, and I felt every little worry disappear. When I walked closer, I clenched my fists in anger because I saw that there was a few stitches near her left eye. A few centimeters down and she would've lost her precious eye.

Pulling up a chair close to her, I watched her asleep. Her fair hand laid at her side, and I grabbed it. I felt a murderous feeling climbing inside of me... but I pushed it away. I had to stay here for Hanji. When she wakes up... I will make sure that she stays by my side and never leaving me.

I can't have her hurt again... she cannot be hurt. 

*   *   *

"L-Levi..." I opened my eyes to see her struggling to open her eyes. A faint smile was on her petite face. But it changed as she got came to. "L-Leave me..."


"No..." She shook her head, groaning softly. Tears began to drip down. "Go..."

I sighed, kissing her hand. "Hanji, I know that this shouldn't have happened. I should've stopped you... and I'm sorry. I won't let it happen. I mean it. Besides, you can't stay here... can you? Who would take care of you? No one. I'm here- and I'm the only one here..."

She sighed in defeat, crying softly. "Levi... w-why...?"

Hatred and Love {LeviHan}Where stories live. Discover now