Chapter 6: Love

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This morning, I felt like crap... I grew nauseous whenever I looked around. My stomach grumbled with hunger... and a part of me knew what all this meant...

I picked up my glasses, shattered, and I began to walk to the bathroom. Going through the medicine cabinet, I found a small tester. After using the tester, I waited for the lines to show up; and it came up positive...

My throat began to clog up, tightening. As a kid, I loved dreaming of having my very own kid to raise and care for. Wanting to take care of them like Mother used to do to me. But with Levi... what am I to do? Keep the child or abort it?

"Hanji? Something wrong?" I turned, hiding the tester behind my back. Levi's stormy gray eyes were analyzing me. "What's behind your back?"

"Nothing." I say coldly to him. If he knew... he would eventually take control. A kid or no kid... Levi is different.

But of course, he didn't believe it. His eyes gazed over towards my back. "Hanji baby... what's wrong?" He asks with sympathy as he walked up to me. His cold hand touched my cheek, caressing it with care and love. "Hanji?"

"Nothing..." I repeated. My breath grew dark and I tried to walk away.

With swift movements, I barely saw Levi move towards the tester- swiping at it. I growled a bit as he took it. Levi backed away to examine it before he sighed. His gray eyes stared at me... and I couldn't tell what he was feeling. Was it disappointment or anger? Sad or happy? That time... I couldn't read him. "Hanji..."

I shook my head, and I couldn't think straight. The knowledge of having a small child growing inside of me clouded my judgement. "Levi..." I began to beg him with tears coming from my eyes. "Please..."

"What, Hanji?" He looked up to me with a smirk. "You think that I don't want a kid? Please... I want a kid. But I didn't expect to have one right now."

His cold, gray eyes stared at me. "A-Are you..."

"On several conditions, Hanji. You stay here. I manage everything. You can name the child whatever you want. But I mean it. Since you're pregnant, your condition is everything to me. If I lose you both... I don't know what will happen."

I nodded with my hands going to my stomach. "O-Okay..." He was so... so controlling. But I wanted my child. Not like this though... what must I chose? A dream child I dreamt as a kid? Or a life I was married into?

Scoff... what did I truly hope for here? I tried enjoying it like Father wanted me... but I never wanted this. When I looked down, I hoped that with the little child will help calm Levi's controlling manner. If it doesn't... we're in the same bucket. I want the Levi I used to know and love. Not this... controlling bastard...

Where does my loyalty lie? With my promise to Father and stay married with Levi? Or protect my own child and run?

Hatred and Love {LeviHan}Where stories live. Discover now