Chapter 9: A New Life... A New Beginning...

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Those few hours felt like hell for me... the little pains turned into huge ones, and I just wanted to relieve the pain. Levi stayed with me until the time was almost up. It felt... painful for Levi to only watch me and not being able to do anything. 

When I saw the time was around 9, I felt everything froze. "L-Levi..." My voice turned weak and shaky.

Levi sighed, looking at the clock. "I know... I know... just... hold on, okay?"

"H-Hold on? Levi, you're the one not in constant pain- ow!" Winces as another pain struck me down. "Levi... I-I know y-you have to-"

He chuckles, kissing my sweaty forehead. "I'll be back before you know it. Okay? I got to them at 10, and I come back. Easy. Alright? I promise, it won't take me more than an hour."

"What if it takes you more than an hour to come back here, Levi? What will you do then?" I felt myself smirking, loving the feeling of treating him like this way.

A small smirk appeared on his face. "Then... you're allowed to make me do whatever you want. You can control me for both revenge on me and for missing out on the baby. Two birds with one stone, right?"

Groaning softly, I nodded as his hand began to pull away from mine. "O-Okay..."

"You can hit me for all that's worth if I do miss it. 50/50 chance... I promise... I'll do my best to get here for the baby..." He kisses me on the lips and slowly walked out. "I promise..."

I began to whimper softly to Levi as he walked away as the pains resumed... I only begged for him to be back soon...

*   *   *

Levi's POV

The only thing that had me worried all this time was the fear of not being there for Hanji. Out of all the times... she had to be early...

My hands grew sweaty as I gripped the leather briefcase. On the bottom, there were light weights. On the top, there was a small pile of fake money-  enough to cover the weights. I knew Hanji wouldn't approve of my actions right now... but what she doesn't know couldn't hurt her. After all... I'm planning to make sure they would regret ever touching her... or even my unborn child.

As I walked up to the same place where we got attacked, the overwhelming fear took over. But it was simply wiped away when I thought of Hanji... I'm doing it for her... I'm making sure no one ever lays a hand on her ever again. 

"Ah... the CEO..." The same chuckle from last night came by to haunt me again. When I turned, his gang was still behind him. "Come come, let's go somewhere... hm... discreet."

Nodding my head, I felt myself grin. "Yes... discreet..." Then I followed him around back.

As we entered a more discreet area, the gang surrounded me, grinning. "Well? The money?" The leader asks as I grinned about it- throwing it onto the table. "Hey hey hey! Careful with these beauties..."

"Careful? Like how you were with my wife? Huh?" I continued to grin. "Anyways... here's your money."

I turned around to leave, but his members forced me back. "Shh... leaving before the fun happens? Tsk tsk tsk... I'm gonna wait until I know for sure I have my money..." I turned back around to see the guy rummaging through the case. "Fake... weights? Hah... idiot..." His eyes stared at me as he began to wave a knife in his hand. "Really? I thought I made it clear..."

"Tch... so?"

"So..." He chuckles, making his way towards me. "I'm gonna make you pay from getting between me and my money..."

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