Chapter 3: True Form

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The day I finally got better, I secretly conducted my interviews on all employees and employers. They all said the same thing about Levi: he was a controlling bastard. Always wanted the smallest detail to be correct. But he has done work himself. He physically helped almost every employee and employer... got his hands dirty... but people were afraid of him too. Was it because of his short stature? Or was it more because of controlling nature?

I even asked those questions... and I got loads of mixed answers. People were afraid because of how intimidating he looked, and others were afraid because of his actions. There was no clear answers. Heck, even some said that they honor him; even if they were afraid of him, they respected the work Levi has done.

"Busy?" I jumped as I heard Levi's amusing voice. He began walking into the office, smiling with a huge smile on his face. 

I nodded, closing the notebook I had. Deep inside, I hoped that he wouldn't suspect me of accusing him or anything... "Just... re-examining it all." I chuckled, carefully hiding it into my bag. "You know... just making sure."

"Tch... I make sure that everything is all okay." Levi said, sitting near me with his hand on my leg. "Now... what were you doing?" His hand slipped into my bag, getting the book.

Panicking, I took it out of his grasp. "It's nothing, Levi. Trust me."

A scowl appeared as he reached for it. His steel eyes shone through those gray clouds... the ones I thought I fell in love in. Where was he? "Hanji... give it to me."

"No." I responded, narrowing my eyes. "What's so important about what I'm doing? What are you... the boss of me?"

That's when I heard a growl from his throat. The Levi I knew disappeared from my very eyes... and I watched him get replaced by someone completely different. "Hanji... please. Don't do this to me..."

"Tch... Levi. Tell me. What happe-"

"Don't talk to me!" He shouted, sending shivers down my spine and neutralized all my emotions before they all turned into fear. Levi began to pant heavily, but he slowly composed himself. "Hanji... please. Give it to me..."

I shook my head, seeing this... monster. "Levi... what happened to you?"

His pale hands grabbed his raven-black hair and tugged a bit. His eyes were squeezed shut as he shook his head. "Hanji... stop."

But I didn't listen... I wanted answers. "Levi-"

Suddenly, it just seemed he broke. Before I could even process everything... his hand was on my throat -not tightly- but tight enough to make me feel a bit of pressure on it. Stunned... I couldn't move a single muscle without being weighed down by an anvil of fear. He pants heavily, "Don't... not now."

He removed his hand, leaning against the door. "Levi... w-w-"

"Go home, Hanji. I'll be back soon." He groaned, stepping away from the door.

Fearing... I quickly take the notebook and ran out the door towards the car. I wasn't safe until I began to drive. The radio began to play my favorite song, and I turned the volume up- hoping it could deafen me from his yelling. Every time I blinked, tears began to fall from my eyes. His hand on my throat... I couldn't... Levi...

My phone began to ring. I took a tiny glance down at it, seeing Levi's name... I quickly looked up to the streets, making sure there was no cars around. I quickly switched the radio to the smartphone, hearing Levi's voice in the car's speakers.

"Hanji... I'm sorry for how I acted-"

"You're sorry?" The tears began to fall from my eyes, making the roads blurry. But I slowed down, not driving too fast. "You're sorry? You almost-"

"And I'm sorry... I shouldn't have lashed out like that." He groaned softly, "I-I'll make it up. We can have din-"

I shook my head, feeling the anger boil inside of me. It heated not only me, but my whole body. I felt it tingle throughout my whole nerves and in my blood. "I just want the truth, Levi... and I can't help but feel you're hiding it from me!"

Through the speakers, I heard him almost crying. Could it be fake or real tears he was crying? Was it fake to bring me back to his good side? Or was it real ones, hoping for forgiveness from me? Either way... I couldn't believe those tears. "Trust me Hanji... you don't want to know..."

"I have every right to kno-" Everything blacked out when I felt a huge weight slam from the passenger side. I just felt... pain... then feeling cold. I had no time to think... I was... 

Hatred and Love {LeviHan}Where stories live. Discover now