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Back to school, this time I was early. I made sure of it, so then I wouldn't catch Amy. I am finding it hard to keep all of my attack secret. I am meant to tell my best friends everything. It is so hard to keep it from her...

Aimee - POV

I think Amy is keeping something from me. She has been acting kind of strange around me. Yes, when I mean strange, I mean stranger than normal. Yesterday she looked startled and like she was on another planet! We're best friends, I tell her everything...well nealy everything. But, anyway, that isn't the point, she is meant to tell me anything...everything...

Aimee came up to me today, I don't why, but to me she looked angry or upset? Maybe she knows, I am keeping something from her, or someone has found out and has told her? I don't know? Should I tell her? goes nothing...and I told her...

She was speechless, I asked her to say something, but she didn't she just walked off, with the same glum face she had, when I told her. She joined the others, and I think she told them. Darcy kept on looking at me, when Aimee was telling her something. They all laughed, the bell went, they walked to class together, still looking back and laughing at me. How could she! I was so angry, so I went off to the toilet and had a private cry, nobody could know, because then they would tease me and call me a cry baby.

I was late for class, I didn't care. I got a detention, I didn't care. I got a phone call home, I didn't care. I had no one to sit with at lunch, I didn't care...

Aimee - POV

I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to tell Darcy and the others. It just sort of came out. I hope she's not mad at me! It just annoys me when she keeps secrets from me, so when I find out those secrets I just blurt them out! I can't believe that Amy got a detention and she didn't care, it was her first detention ever! She got a phone call home and she didn't care either! It hurt me when I sawyer sitting on her own at lunch, but I wouldn't be able to sit next to her, she's ignoring me for a start because of what I done and I am so angry at her so I couldn't sit near her because of what I would do. I'm really sorry for what I have done but I can't go and say it to Amy now...

I can't believe Aimee! She told my secret to everyone!she is so mean, and because of her I got a detention and a phone call home. It washy first detention and phone call home telling my mum of how bad I was. I acted like I didn't care ,when really I did, I couldn't show, I was going to cry. I would have been teased and called a baby! I had no one to sit with at lunch, I was so lonely. I tried to act like I wanted to Byron my own, but inside. Well I don't really know what I wanted or believed... Chapter 7 coming soon.

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