Time to go shopping!

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Rebecca's pov

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?! Harry, how wonderful to see you dear. Beds empty, no note, car gone, you could've died, you could've been seen! Course I don't blame you Harry dear." Mum yelled at us as she came storming into the kitchen.

"They were starving him mum." I said.

"They put bars on his window." Ron added.

"Well you best hope I don't put bars on your window Ronald Weasley!" Mum said. "As for you Rebecca Fabian Gideon Weasley, You should know better than to do something this stupid and reckless with your brothers! You're supposed to be the sensible one!"

"I know mum, sorry mum." I apologised as I looked down at my feet.

"Come on Harry, time for a spot of breakfast." Mum said as if none of that just happened.

"Are we still alive?" I asked Fred and George.

"I don't know." Fred replied.

"She could still punish us later." George said.

"We're lucky we had Harry with us or else she would have punished us now." Ron added.

We all took a seat at the table with Harry as mum put out breakfast and Percy came downstairs for food.

"Here we are Harry, now tuck in, that's it there we go." Mum said as Harry took a bite of the food and Ginny ran in in her house coat.

"Mum! Mummy, have you seen my jumper?" Ginny asked.

"Yes dear, it was on the cat." Mum replied.

"Morning Gin." I said to her.

"Morning 'Bec-" she shut up the minute she saw who it was sitting beside Ron.

"Hello." Harry greater but she didn't say anything, she just turned and ran away.

"What did I do?" Harry asked.

"Ginny, she's been talking about you all summer, a bit annoying really." Ron explained.

"Morning Weasleys!" Dad said as he came in through the door.

"Morning Dad!/morning Arthur." Everyone except Harry greeted.

"What a night! Nine raids, Nine!" Dad said.

"Raids?" Harry asked.

"Dad works in the ministry of magic in the misuse of muggle artefacts office." I explained.

"Dad loves muggles, thinks they're fascinating." Ron added as dad took his seat at the head of the table.

"Well now, and who are you?" Dad asked.

"Oh sorry sir, I'm Harry sir, Harry Potter." Harry introduced.

"Good lord, are you really? Well Ron and 'Becca have told us all about you of Course, when did he get here?" Dad asked.

"This morning, those 4 twins of ours flew that enchanted car of yours to Surry and back last night." Mum replied.

"Did you really? How'd it go?" Dad asked earning a smack from mum.

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