Quidditch disasters

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Rebecca's pov

I woke up early on Saturday morning excited and nervous about the first Quidditch match of the season. I was only a reserve so I most likely wouldn't be playing but that fact didn't calm my nerves at all. I was the only one in my dorm room that was awake which was unusual but I hurriedly got dressed and made my way to the great hall. When I got There I was surprised to see the rest of the Gryffindor team already sat at the table. I took a seat beside Harry and grabbed something to eat, it didn't take long before the rest of the school filed into the room for breakfast.

As 11 o'clock approached everyone began making their way down to Quidditch pitch. It was a humid sort of day with a hint of thunder in the air. After we changed into our Quidditch robes Oliver began his pre-match pep talk.

"Slytherin have better brooms than us, there's no point denying that but we've got better people on our brooms. We've trained harder than they have, we've been flying in all weathers." Oliver began.

"Too true." I muttered.

"I don't think I've been properly dry since August." George muttered.

"We're going to make them regret the day they let that little ball of slime, Malfoy buy his way onto their team. It'll be down to you Harry, to show them it takes a lot more than a rich father to be a great seeker. Get to that snitch before Malfoy or die trying, we've got to win today, we've got to." Oliver said.

"No pressure Harry." Fred said as he winked at him.

"I'll be here in case something happens and you need a backup. Good luck you guys." I said before they all walked out onto the pitch with the crowd cheering them on.

I watched from the side of the pitch with my broom in hand as the game began. The game had only been going on for a few minutes when I noticed something was off. There was a bludger that seemed to be specifically targeting Harry, I watched anxiously as harry kept barely avoiding being knocked off his broom. It didn't help that it began to rain and Slytherin kept scoring points over and over again.

"Slytherin's in the lead with sixty points to zero." Lee Jordan announced.

The Slytherin team were certainly enjoying their lead as the Gryffindor team struggled against the bludgers. While Fred and George were stopping one bludger from killing Harry the other one was stopping the Gryffindor chasers from scoring any points. I noticed George trying to signal to Oliver for a time out but he didn't notice.

"Oliver! Look up!" I called out to him.

Oliver obeyed and finally noticed the signal for a time out as the three boys who were desperately trying to defend against the Faulty bludger. Oliver called time out before the team joined me on the ground to find out what's been going on.

"What's going on? Fred, George, where were you when that bludger stopped Angelina from scoring?" Oliver asked.

"We were twenty feet above her stopping the other bludger from murdering Harry." George said angrily. "Someone rigged it, it won't leave Harry alone, it hasn't gone for anyone else the whole game. The Slytherins must have done something to it."

"But the bludgers have been locked up in madam Hooch's office since our last practice and there was nothing wrong with them then." Oliver said anxiously.

"Listen, with you two flying around me all the time the only way I could catch the snitch is if it to us up my sleeve. Go back to the rest of the team and let me deal with the rouge one." Harry said.

"What about you, it'll kill you." I said.

"She's right, it'll take your head off." Fred agreed.

"Oliver, this is mad. You can't let harry deal with this thing on his own, lets ask for an inquiry." Alicia said.

"If we stop now we'll forfeit the match." Harry said. "And we're not losing to Slytherin because of a mad bludger. Tell them to leave me alone Oliver!"

"This is all your fault! 'Get the snitch or die trying' - What a stupid thing to tell him!" George said angrily.

"Ready to resume playing?" Madam Hooch asked as she walked up behind us.

"All right, Fred, George, you heard Harry, let him deal with the bludger himself." Oliver said.

The game soon started back up and the bludger started targeting Harry once again. Harry flew around the edge of the pitch trying to avoid the bludger. He eventually stopped for a few seconds and ended up getting hit in the arm by the bludger. Harry then shot towards Malfoy stretching out his uninjured arm before plummeting to ground with a loud thud.

"Harry!!" I called out in concern.

His arm was dangling in a strange way and while we were all excited about our victory since Harry caught the snitch but we were also concerned. Gryffindors all crowded onto the pitch concerned for Harry's wellbeing before Professor Lockheart pushed his way through the crowd to Harry. Lockheart cast a spell on harry that made his arm worse, it looked a flesh coloured rubber glove.

"Mr Weasley, Miss Weasley, Miss Granger, will you escort him?" Professor Lockheart asked.

I was the first one to approach Harry. I helped him up from the ground before guiding him through the crowd to Ron and Hermione before we began Making our way to the hospital wing.

"I can't believe him, he's messed up your arm even worse." I said annoyed.

"He is so obviously a fake." Ron said.

"No he is not!" Hermione said angrily.

"It doesn't matter, I just want to get my arm fixed." Harry said.

"Does it hurt Harry?" I asked.

"Not really, I can't feel it." Harry said.

"That's good." Ron said.

"No its not, he doesn't have any bone left!" I said.

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