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Rebecca's pov

It had been quiet a few months since Christmas and everyone was back at school. No more attacks had happened since before Christmas and everything had returned to some kind of normal or at least for a while. Harry later explained to us about a diary he had found that was once belonging to a T.M Riddle that dated back fifty years which was when the chamber was last opened. He explained about how the he had conversed with a memory of T.M Riddle and about how he had been shown who opened the chamber of secrets. To our surprise the perpetrator turned out to be none other than Hagrid.

"Riddle might have got the wrong person." Hermione said. "Maybe it was some other monster that was attacking people."

"How many monsters d'you think this place can hold?" Ron asked dully.

"Its huge and filled with hidden rooms, I'd say you could fit a lot of monsters here." I replied.

"We always knew Hagrid was expelled." Harry said miserably. "And the attacks must have stopped after Hagrid was kicked out. Otherwise, Riddle wouldn't have gotten his award."

"Riddle does sound like Percy - who asked him to grass on Hagrid anyway?" Ron said.

"But the monster had killed someone Ron." I said.

"And Riddle was going to go to some muggle orphanage if they closed Hogwarts." Harry said. "I don't blame him for wanting to stay here..."

"You met Hagrid down Knockturn Alley, didn't you, Harry?" Ron asked.

"He was buying a flesh eating slug repellent." Harry replied.

"Do you think we should go down to ask him about it?" Hermione asked.

"That'd be a cheerful visit." Ron said. "Hello Hagrid, tell us, have you been setting anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately?"

"I don't think that'd go down too well." I said. "But, Is there any need to do that now that the attacks have stopped?"

"'Becca's right, lets not ask about it unless there's another attack." Hermione said.

"Agreed." Harry and Ron said.

Time skip

It had been a month since that conversation and nothing had happened since. We were on the Quidditch pitch waiting for the game against Hufflepuff to begin. I was getting to play this game because Angelina wasn't feeling well and I was getting excited to play.

"You ready to beat the Hufflepuffs?" I asked Oliver as the two of us hopped onto our brooms for a warm up flight.

"You bet, Gryffindor will win the cup this year." Oliver said.

We had barely finished one lap around the pitch when professor McGonagall came onto the pitch with a purple Megaphone.

"This match has been cancelled." Professor McGonagall said over the megaphone.

"But professor!" Oliver began. "We've got to play... the cup.. Gryffindor."

"All students are to make their way back to the house common rooms, where their heads of house will give them further information. As quickly as you can please!" Professor McGonagall said.

Realising this was serious I landed on the pitch and made my way over to Harry who hadnt even made it onto his broom.

"Potter, Weasley, I think you'd better come with me." Professor McGonagall said.

The two of us wordlessly followed her still dressed in Quidditch robes and clutching our brooms. Ron must have noticed us leaving with professor McGonagall as he soon joined us following professor McGonagall to the castle.

"Yes, perhaps you'd better come too Mr Weasley." Professor McGonagall said as she allowed him to join us.

She led us up the marble stairs towards the hospital wing.

"This will be a bit of a shock." Professor McGonagall said softly. "There has been another attack... another double attack."

I suddenly felt sick, I knew whatever was wrong was really bad. We entered the hospital wing and saw madam Pomfrey standing over a sixth year raven claw girl. On the bed beside her was a petrified Hermione I just froze and stared at her in horror.

"They were found near the library. I don't suppose any of you can explain this? It was on the floor next to him." Professor McGonagall said as she held up a small circular mirror. "I'll escort you back to Gryffindor tower, I need to adress the students anyway."

Time skip

When we arrived in the common room everyone was gathered waiting to find out what was going on.

"All students will return to their house common rooms by six o'clock in the evening. No student is to leave the dormitories after that time. You will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No student is to use the bathroom unaccompanied by a teacher. All further Quidditch training and matches are to be postponed. There will be no more evening activities." Professor McGonagall said. "I need hardly add that I have rarely been so distressed. It is likely that the school will be closed unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught. I would urge anyone who thinks they might know anything about them to come forward."

Professor McGonagall looked over the crowd of Gryffindor students before awkwardly leaving through the portrait hole.

"That's two Gryffindors down, not counting a Gryffindor ghost, a Ravenclaw and a Hufflepuff." Lee Jordan said. "Haven't any of the teachers noticed that the Slytherins are all safe? The heir of Slytherin, The monster of Slytherin - why don't they just chuck all the Slytherins out?"

People began nodding and shouting words of agreement.

"What're we going to do?" Ron asked.

"Do you think they suspect Hagrid?" I asked.

"We've got to go and talk to him." Harry said. "I can't believe its him this time, but if he set the monster loose the first time then he'll know how to get inside the chamber of secrets and that's a start.

"But professor McGonagall said we've got to stay in our tower unless we're in class." I said.

"I think its time to bring out my dad's old cloak again." Harry said.

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