Near Death and Death day

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Rebecca's pov

It was a chilly October afternoon and I had gotten permission from Oliver to skip Quidditch practice so that I could help Ginny who had been struggling with a potions project. Ginny and I had just finished making her project and were going up the stairs to the third floor when the staircase we were on started moving.

"W-What's happening?" Ginny asked nervously as she grabbed the railing, holding on for dear life.

"*giggles* The stairs move, it doesn't matter if someone's on them or not. You'll be fi- AHHHHHH!" I let out a shriek as someone bumped into me knocked me off of the staircase. Ginny and I were at the top of the stairs so practically on the third floor.

I flailed and screamed as I fell from the moving staircase, there was nothing I could do to stop myself from falling to my death. I heard Ginny scream as I fell, I suddenly felt arms around my waist and the falling sensation disappeared. I was crying and hyperventilating as I turned slightly on the broom to hug whoever saved me tightly.

"Shhhhhh, you're okay. I've got you." A familiar voice said as they hugged me back, stroking my hair to try and sooth me.

"I-I w-w-was gonna d-die." I sobbed out.

"But you didn't, don't worry lass, I won't let that happen to you." The voice I now realised was Oliver's said as he steered the broom towards the first floor.

Once we landed on solid ground Oliver dismounted his broom bringing me with him. I hugged him tighter as I continued crying, I was shaking and Oliver was trying to keep me upright as he allowed me to cry. It wasn't long until I felt someone else join the hug, I turned my head slightly to see it was Ginny who was also crying.

Oliver lead us back up to the Gryffindor common room where he spent a good two hours calming us down. During that time all of our brothers showed up and Oliver explained what happened to them, after we had calmed down and Oliver left Fred, George and Ron stayed with us. The rest of that day became a family day, the five of us all sat by the fireplace talking and playing wizard chess, the day ended with the five of us falling asleep together. I was snuggled up on the couch between Fred and George who's arms were wrapped around me protectively, Ron had fallen asleep on the floor with his head leaning against my legs and Ginny was lying with her head in Ron's lap.

Time skip

A few days later it was almost Halloween and I was in the common room with Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"A deathday party? I bet there aren't very many living people who can say they've been to one of those, it'll be fascinating." Hermione said.

"Why would anyone want to celebrate the day they died? That's dead depressing." Ron said.

"I'd prefer to stay as far away from death as possible after the whole moving staircase incident." I said.

"Yeah but Oliver did win Gryffindor 50 points for saving you." Ron said.

"Ron! Your sister almost died and that's you're concerned about!" Hermione scolded.

Everyone quickly shut up as a salamander went flying around the room emitting sparks and loud bangs, the sound of the orange sparks leaving the salamander's mouth was drowned out by Percy bellowing himself hoarse at Fred and George. The salamander flew into the fireplace before exploding into one last cluster of orange sparks.

Time skip

It was Halloween and I was sitting in the great hall with Fred, George, Percy and Ginny. Harry, Ron and Hermione had went to Sir Nicolas' deathday party but I didn't want go after the whole death scare. I was sitting beside Ginny across from Fred and George.

"Where is Harry, Ron and Hermione?" Fred asked.

"They're at nearly headless Nick's deathday party." I said.

"Ha, they're gonna starve." George said.

"Yup!" I said.

"And freeze." Fred added.

"Why didn't you go 'Becca?" Ginny asked.

"I'd rather not be surround by death after what happened." I said.

After the feast was over Ginny, Fred, George and I left the great hall with full bellies. We were walking through the corridor laughing and joking when we noticed a huge crowd gathered around a cat hanging from a torch bracket but it wasn't just any cat, it was Mrs Norris the caretaker's cat. There was some kind of writing on the walls.

"Can you see what that says?" Ginny asked.

"No-whaa!" I said as Fred picked me up and put me on George's shoulders.

"Can you see now?" The twins asked.

"Yeah, it says 'The chamber of secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir, beware." I replied. "Harry, Ron and Hermione are standing at the front."

"Enemies of the heir beware! You'll be next, Mudbloods!" Malfoy yelled from the other side of the room.

"What's going on here? What's going on?" Filch asked as he pushed his way through the crowd. "My cat! My cat! What's happened to Mrs Norris!? You! You! You murdered my cat! You killed her! I'll kill you! I'll-"

"Argus!" Dumbledore interrupted. "Come with me Argus, you too Mr Potter, Mr Weasley, Miss Granger."

I then watched from George's shoulders as Harry, Ron, Hermione, Filch and Lockheart who had just shown up followed Dumbledore away.

"Everyone back to your common!" Professor Flitwick said as he came into the corridor and began clearing us out.

So with me still on George's shoulders we went back to the common room talking about what we had just witnessed in the corridor. Percy joined us on our way back to the common room scolding George for having me on his shoulders while inside as we went.

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