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Rebecca's pov

The boys didn't take me with them to visit Hagrid just in case they got caught. The next morning they explained to me everything that happened. Dumbledore was suspended and Hagrid was taken to Azkaban by Lucius Malfoy and Cornelius Fudge under suspicion of causing the attacks.

Summer was quickly approaching and everyone was getting more and more tense. Madam Pomfrey had even banned visitors from the hospital wing to make sure the attacker didn't show up and finish off the petrified students. We were sitting in the common room after six o'clock had struck playing exploding snap with Fred and George. It was Barvarian rules and I was having loads of fun.

"Hurry up if you don't want the cards to explode Harry!" I said as we all watched Harry tap one of his cards with his wand before stopping to look for a match.

"Everyone drop your cards!" George exclaimed as Harry took to long.

Everyone except Harry dropped their cards before they all exploded. Harry seemed a bit dazed, he had never played the game before, he had only ever watched.

"We all warned you Harry." Fred said.

"I didn't know it would be that quick. Muggle snap is a lot safer." Harry said.

"You've seen us play before, when we say exploding we mean exploding." I said. "Why are you so quiet Ron?"

"I was just thinking about what Hermione would say. She hates games like this, she's always saying their foolish and dangerous." Ron replied immediately killing my happy mood.

"I'm sure she would scold us and we tell her to shut up then just continue playing." I said sadly.

Time skip

Once everyone had left for the night we dawned Harry's cloak and left through the portrait hole. We wordlessly made our way through the corridors avoiding the teachers before squeezing through the oak doors and outside of the castle.

"We might get to the forest and find there's nothing to follow. Those solders might not have been going there at all. I know it looked like they were going in that general direction but..." Ron trailed off.

"Even if they're not it'll still be worth checking out. A lot of monsters live in the forbidden forest so maybe it'll just be there." I said.

"That's not a good thing!" Ron said.

"But we're not muggle born so we should be okay, right? Only muggle borns have been getting attacked." I said.

"It might still attack us, we're not Slytherins." Harry said before we all fell silent.

We made our way down to Hagrid's vacant hut and made our way inside where we were met with an overly excited Fang. The boys got to work feeding him Treacle fudge while I petted him. Once he was finished eating Harry placed his cloak on Hagrid's table.

"C'mon Fang, we're going for a walk." Harry said.

Fang happily followed us out of Hagrid's hut and then bounded towards the edge of the forest.

"Lumos!" I said as a light formed at the tip of my wand.

"Good idea." Harry said as he pulled out his wand. "Lumos!"

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