Where are they

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Rebecca's pov

Summer had went by far to quickly and we were getting ready to go back to school. Ginny and I were in our room, I was helping Ginny pack up her things when Fred came in to help us since Ginny was panicking more than she was packing.

"I don't know why you're so worried Gin, we'll all take care of you at school and if you forget anything mum can send it for you." I said as I folded one of her robes into her bag.

"What if I embarrass myself? what if No one likes me? what if I can't make any friends?" Ginny said.

"Alright then, just ignore me." I said.

"Calm down Ginny, you'll be fine. None of us have had any problems." Fred said as he put a stack of books in her bag.

"She's not gonna listen, lets just finish putting her stuff away." I said.

After we finished packing away Ginny's stuff we headed out to the car since Ginny was the only one who hadn't packed. Harry, Ron,Fred,George and Percy were all comfortably sitting in the back while Ginny, Mum and I were all sitting in the front.

"Muggles know more than what we give them credit for, I mean, you'd never know it was this roomy from the outside.

Dad drove off down the street but had to turn back because George forgot his fireworks. Five minutes after that we had to stop again because Fred and I forgot our broomsticks. We thought we could finally leave but just as we were about to turn into the motorway Ginny had us turn around because she forgot her diary. We ended up extremely behind schedule and dad began begging mum to use the flying function he installed which she refused. We arrived at the train station at quarter to eleven and rushed across the station.

"Percy first." Mum said.

Percy walked briskly through the barrier closely followed by Dad and the Fred, George and I went next.

"Hurry onto the train kids." Dad said.

"Come on 'Becca, Ginny, Ron and Harry will join us in a sec." George said.

I followed Fred and George up into the train, I hugged the two goodbye before heading to our compartment from last year where I saw Hermione sitting waiting.

"Hey Hermione! You miss me?" I asked as I entered the compartment.

"I saw you a few weeks ago." Hermione said as I sat down beside her.

"But a few weeks is too long!" I said.

"Alright, Alright, I missed you. Where are Ron and Harry?" Hermione asked.

"They should be here in a second, we were running extremely late." I replied.

"Can I sit with you guys big sis?" Ginny asked as she appeared at the compartment door.

"Sure, Hermione this is my little sister Ginny, Ginny this is Hermione." I said.

"Nice to meet you Ginny." Hermione said.

"Nice to meet you too." Ginny said as she took a seat across from us. We had barely started talking when the train left the station.

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