Lets go home

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Rebecca's pov

I was sitting anxiously on a rock that Ron and I had pulled from the wall. It had been about an hour and Harry hadn't come back yet.

"Ron, 'Becca! I've got Ginny! She's okay!" I heard Harry's voice call.

I shot to my feet feeling relief wash over me as Ron cheered.

"Ginny! You're alive! I don't believe it! What happened?" Ron asked as he pulled her through the gap we had made in the rocks.

I immediately grabbed Ginny pulling her into a tight hug. She began sobbing and I hugged her even tighter. The boys started talking to each other while I stood there holding Ginny.

"Shhhh, its okay Gin." I said. "I was so worried about you, I'm so happy you're okay."

Time skip

We were on The train back home after a long and very eventful second year at school. Fred, George, Ginny, Ron, Harry, Hermione and I managed to get a compartment to ourselves so of course we were doing weird, crazy and fun things together. Hermione had introduced us to a muggle game called truth or dare and that was a very bad idea with Fred and George around.

"I dare you to go into Malfoy's compartment and tell him he's hot and then set of this firework and leave." George said as he handed me a firework.

"Okay." I said as I got up from my seat.

Everyone followed me out of the compartment before watching me head a few doors down to Malfoy's compartment. I knocked on the door before opening the compartment door.

"Get outta here Weasley." Crabbe said.

"We don't want a blood traitor around here?" Goyle said.

"Shut up you two, what is it Weasley?" Malfoy asked.

"I just wanted to tell you that I thought you look hot in your new robes." I said.

Malfoy's face went bright red.

"Uhm... uhh...T- Thanks." Malfoy stuttered out.

I smiled at them before tuning and dropping the lit firework on the floor and closing the compartment door. I quickly ran down the train to our compartment. We all burst out laughing as we heard shouts for help and the sound of a firework going off.

"Your turn Harry, truth or dare?" I asked.

"Dare." Harry said.

"I dare you to go and ask Malfoy if he enjoyed the firework display you sent him." I said.

Harry got up and left the compartment and we all began placing bets.

"I bet you a firework that Malfoy's gonna punch him." Fred said.

"I bet you my necklace he does nothing." I said.

"If we're placing bets I bet scabbers he's gonna come marching down here." Ron said.

We waited quietly for a minute before Harry entered the compartment.

"So, what'd he do?" George asked.

"Yelled at me to leave." Harry replied as he sat back down.

"Pay up Fred. Ron you can keep your rat, I don't like him." I said.

"Here you go, prank well my disciple." Fred said as he handed me his last fire work.

"I'm gonna have fun with this." I said with a grin.

Time skip

When we got onto the platform mum and dad immediately hugged the six of us.

"You had us worried sick when we got that letter from Percy." Mum said as she held Ginny, Ron and I just a little bit tighter than she did last year when we got back.

"We're fine mum." Ron said as he struggled in her grasp.

"Bye Harry! bye Hermione! See you next year!" I called out to them as they left to go find their families.

"Bye 'Becca! Bye Ron!" Harry and Hermione called before leaving.

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