Slugs, Snakes and Quidditch

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Rebecca's pov

I was woke up at the crack of dawn by a girl I recognised as Gryffindor chard Katie Bell.

"Time for Quidditch practice, Oliver told me to wake you." She said.

"Hmm, what?" I asked groggily.

"You are 'Becca Weasley, aren't you? Please say I woke up the right person." Katie said.

"Hm? Oh, You did, I kind of forgot that Oliver made me a reserve member." I replied.

"Whew, here's your Quidditch robes. Just go to the pitch when you're ready." Kate said as she handed me a bike of red and gold robes.

Once she left I scribbled a quick note for Hermione and Ron before changing into my brand new robes. I grabbed my cleansweep 5 and headed to the common room where I met up with Harry. The two of us went to leave the common room together when we heard a clatter behind us.

"I heard someone saying your name from the stairs Harry! Look what I've got, I finally developed the picture!" Colin said as he appeared behind us waving a picture at us.

We both watched in amusement as the photographic Lockheart tried to drag the photographic Harry into view. Lockheart eventually gave up panting as he leaned against the white edge of the photo.

"Will you sign it?" Colin asked.

"No, sorry Colin we're in a hurry." Harry said.

"Yeah, we have Quidditch practice to get to." I said as the three of us climbed through the portrait hole.

"Oh wow! Wait for me, I've never watched a Quidditch match before." Colin said.

"It'll be really boring." Harry said.

"You were the youngest Quidditch player in a century, weren't you Harry, weren't you?" Colin asked. "You must be brilliant! I've never flown before, is it easy? Is that your own broom? Is that the best one? I don't understand Quidditch, is it true there are four balls? And that two of them fly around trying to knock you off of your broom?"

"Yeah, they're called bludgers, there are two beaters who carry around bats and hit the bludgers away from their teammates. My older brothers Fred and George Wesley are the beaters for Gryffindor." I explained.

"What are the other balls for?" Colin asked.

"Well, the Quaffle- that's the biggish red one - is the one for scoring goals. These chasers on each team throw the quaffle to each other and try to get it through the goals at the end of the pitch. The goals are the large poles with hoops on the end." Harry explained.

"And the fourth ball?" Colin asked.

"The golden snitch, it's very fast and very small and very difficult to catch. The seekers only job is to find and catch the snitch because a game of Quidditch doesn't end until the snitch is caught, the snitch is also worth 150 points." Harry explained.

"And you're the Gryffindor keeper aren't you?" Colin asked.

"Yes." Harry replied.

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