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Rebecca's pov

After I said goodbye to Oliver we went to the bookshop. We all split up and began looking around the shop for textbooks and or just having a look at what they had. That was until Gilderoy lockheart's book signing began, mum immediately had us queue up with her. We were standing beside her bored out of our minds.

"Welcome to the fangirl club where every woman 20 or older plus Ginny fangirl over a complete and utter knobhead." I said to Fred, George and Ron as I did an impersonation of a muggle nature documentary commentator, David Attenborough.

"Here we have some fangirls in their natural habitat, flocking around a knobhead desperate for an autograph." Fred said doing the same voice.

"Here is an example of how big of a knobhead you have to be to have fangirls, even Draco Malfoy hasn't managed to stick his head far enough up his arse to have fangirls." George said also copying David Attenborough's voice.

"Here is a prime example of a fangirl and the things she'll do for a Knobhead's autograph, she's willing to allow her children to die of boredom to obtain the knobhead autograph." Ron added again doing the voice.

"In this case the knobhead has his head stuck so far up his arse he can't see that members of the male species, women under the age of twenty that aren't Ginny and other knobheads don't want anything to do with him." I finished.

Ginny gave the boys a slap on the back of the head for their comments.

"What about 'Becca!? She did it to!" Ron complained as I hugged Ginny and stuck my tongue out at Ron.

"Hey Harry!" Fred said as Harry and Hermione joined us in the queue.

"Where have you been?" George asked.

"Knockturn Alley." Harry replied.

"Knockturn Alley!? Wicked." Ron, Fred, George and I all said in sync.

As we got closer to the front we could see Lockheart, he was wearing blue robes that matched his eyes and had a wizard's hat rested lightly on his wavy hair. A photographer was running around snapping pictures when he stepped on Ron's toes.

"Out of the way! This is for the Daily prophet!" The photographer said.

"Big deal." Ron muttered as he rubbed his foot.

"Why do people like this guy? His books are overpriced and his picture is overused." I said catching Lockheart attention.

Lockheart looked up at Ron and I before his eyes drifted over to Harry.

"It Can't be Harry Potter?" Lockheart said causing the crowd of people to look round at us and begin whispering to one another.

The crowd parted as Lockheart rushed forwards, he grabbed Harry's arm and dragged him to the front of the room where he had previously been signing books, autographs and taking pictures. Harry did not look happy as Lockhart shook his hand and posed with him for the photographer who was taking pictures faster than the golden snitch.

"Smile Harry, this shot will be worth the front page." Lockheart said.

The second Lockheart let go harry tried to escape but Lockheart grabbed him and pulled him back to his side.

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