•Chapter Five •The "Date"•

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The car ride is only awkward for about 10 seconds. Then Jack turns on the radio and looks at me to see if I'm okay with the music. I nod and smile politely. Maybe I should be nice to him before I judge him on his popularity. Don't judge a book by its cover, right? Even if the cover is too pompous for its own good.

"So, Elsa. I guess if we're going to be partners all year, we should get to know each other." He glances at me then back to the road.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right. So where do we start?" I ask. Jack smiles.

"First: what's your name?" I look at him puzzled for a second. He just said my name not even a minute ago. "I mean your full name!"

"Oh. Elsa Queen Arendelle. And what's yours?"

"Jackson Overland Frost." He pauses for a moment, thinking. "When's your birthday?"

"July 22nd. You?"

"Huh, that's funny, mine is July 4th! Now you ask a question." Jack smirks at me.

"Hmmm, chocolate or vanilla?" I decide to ask a fun question instead. Facts get boring after awhile.

"Chocolate, duh! Oh, looks like we're here." He pulls into a large driveway and we get out of the car.

Jack leads me into the entry way and I see someone reading with a little girl. They looks a lot like him with dark brown hair. Must be his mom and sister or something.

"Hello, how was school today?" The lady stops what she's reading and looks up when we walk in. The little girl- about ten years old or so- continues to stare at what looks like Harry Potter. Note to self: not every Frost is too cool to read. This makes me smile.

"Hey mom! This is Elsa." Jack introduces me.

"Oh, hi, Elsa. How are you?" She doesn't seem surprised to see me. I guess Jack probably brings a lot of girls home.

Before I can respond, Jack cuts me off. "Yeah, we're going to the kitchen. Bye!" He grabs my hand- surprisingly gently- and runs off.

"Okay, this is the kitchen. Grab a snack if you're hungry, make yourself at home!" I shake my head and sit down into the seat next to him. I pull out a pencil and the paper we need to fill out.

"So, um, what do you think we should bake?" I ask, tapping the pencil on the counter lightly, trying to get comfortable.

Jack doesn't even hesitate. "Lets make a cake! It can be a fancy cake with 2 layers and all that and we can frost it and decorate it however we want to!" I smile and he starts pulling out ingredients from everywhere. "Flour...sugar...eggs..." He continues to mumble to himself for a while and finally we have everything we need.

"Alright, I'll put in the eggs and you can do the flour." Jack smirks as I grab the eggs.

He starts walking over to the bowl and "accidentally" drops some flour on my head. "Oh, I'm soooo sorry!" Jack says in an obviously fake concerned tone.

I freeze for a second before grabbing a handful of flour myself. "You did NOT just do that!" I throw the flour at him and before you know it, we're starting a big flour fight. He throws flour towards me, but I duck and it sprays everywhere.

"Did you just dodge? Now you're gonna get it!" Jack grabs my waist softly but firmly and dumps flour all over me. I laugh and wipe the flour from my eyes. He laughs at me as I try to wipe the flour from my clothes. It doesn't work very well, but whatever.

I look at Jack still laughing and smile. Thinking quickly, I grab the bucket of flour and dump it on him before he even sees me. He gasps and looks at me. After a moment's hesitation, we both burst out laughing. Wow, I am actually having fun with the one and only Jack Frost. I smile at him and he smiles back. All of a sudden, the small flutter in my stomach makes me think that maybe he isn't so bad after all.


We both keep laughing and look around the room, completely covered in flour. I look over and notice Elsa looking at me, so I wink at her and smile. She turns her head so I don't see her blush, but it doesn't work very well. This whole get-you-to-love-me is gonna be easier than I thought it would be an hour ago.

"Sorry about the mess, your mom's gonna hate me now." Elsa frowns as if suddenly seeing the flour everywhere.

"Nah, don't worry about it. It was my fault. Now let's finish that cake!" I grin and go back over to the bowl.

"Fine, but I'm doing the milk." She says jokingly.

I smile at her and start putting ingredients in the bowl. We keep joking around with each other. It's surprisingly easy to talk to her, and we hold the conversation up as if we've known each other forever. We start playing a game called Two Questions, which is a lot like would-you-rather, but you just give two options and the person has to say which one they like better. It's a great get to know you game, and the perfect way to figure out how to be sweet Elsa's Prince Charming. So far, I've gathered that I'm definitely gonna have to drop the cocky. She wants someone sweet and sincere, maybe kind of shy and unsure. It'll be hard, but I can do anything.

"Hmm lets see... sweet or sour?" Elsa asks, dumping sugar into the bowl.


She giggles. "I would have to say I like sweet better, but sour is good too."

"Alright... summer or winter?" I start mixing all the ingredients together but continue to pay close attention to everything she says.

"That's easy. Winter, for sure."

"Any particular reason?" I question, taking a mental note.

"I don't know, I just love everything about it. The snow, the sweaters, the hot chocolate, being able to wrap up in a blanket and spend the day reading a good book, its just all so great!" Her eyes lighten up when she talks about it. I tell myself to remember this one for sure. "So which one do you like better?"

"Winter, definitely. But I love the snowball fights and the snowmen and how fun everything is!" I look at her and she giggles. "Okay, the cake is done. Let's put it in and we can start on the frosting!"

We set the cake in the oven and set the timer. I pull out one of my mom's old cookbooks and start flipping the pages for good decorating ideas. None of them are really that great, its all old lady stuff. Light lace designs, pastel roses, soft colored ribbons, and fluffy cream bows.

"Well, none of these are any good, so let's just make our own!" I return the cookbook to the shelf and look over at Elsa expectantly.

She thinks for a second and brightens up. "Okay, how about we do a winter themed cake, because we both really like winter?"

I smile and nod and we start making a light blue frosting. We also make a white frosting. Finally, the cake is finished and we start frosting it. We make the cake all blue and design white snowflakes all over it. Once we finish, we decide to add a couple snowmen as well to make it more fun and less plain. Elsa and I stand back to look at our finished cake.

"It looks great!" Elsa says, admiring it. Even though the cake looks slanted and the frosting is a mess, it isn't really half bad.

"All thanks to you and your amazing snowflake frosting skills!" I smirk.

"And your cute little snowmen! They make the cake look so much better!" She encourages.

"Okay, it looks great because of both of us." I say. Yup, I'm so winning that bet.

Elsa looks at the clock. "Well, I should probably get home. Where should I meet you tomorrow so that we can give it to Mrs. Tiana?" She starts gathering her stuff and walking towards the door.

"By the Big 4 tree would be best. You know where that is, right?" She nods. Of course she knows where it is, who doesn't? "Oh, do you need a ride home?" Elsa looks out and remembers that I drove her here.

"Oh, um, yeah, if that's okay?" She says, slightly embarrassed.

"Of course! Right this way, milady." I lead her to my car. We drive to her house and I drop her off, giving her a wink as she gets out. Instead of turning away, she just smiles and rolls her eyes at me. I am so gonna win this bet. Easy.

*Hey guys, hope you like it so far! Thank for reading!!!!! If you have any suggestions for me, just comment!*

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