•Chapter Thirteen •A New Groove•

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Elsa is about to slide straight into the lockers, when some guy catches her. He stares at her for a moment, smirking, and she finally catches her breath. Hey, no one else can smirk like that, that's my smirk!!!

Finally, the guy sets her down and they look at each other. For a very long time. Jealousy surges through me and I stomp over to them, nearly trampling a few frightened freshmen.

"Elsa, are you okay?!" I look her over in panic, trying not to shoot a glare at the guy. "Are you hurt? I'm so sorry!!"

She blushes a little bit and smiles. "Yeah I'm fine."

I smile back, staring straight into her eyes. They're beautiful; I could stare into them all day. The guy crosses his arms and gives me one of those I'm-still-here looks.

"And... You are?" I look at him unimpressed. He has long, sleek black hair and tan skin, and his outfit is ridiculous. Normally, it wouldn't bug me that much, but since Elsa gave him a look that might get in my way, everything about this guy was driving me crazy.

"I'm Kuzco!" He gives me a "duh" look as he introduces his name with pride. This guy seems totally pompous, which is good because there's no way Elsa would like a guy like that.

"Do you know Elsa?"

"Of course I do, who doesn't know this babe?" Kuzco shrugs simply like it's no big deal.

Anger flashes through me, and I swear there's actual smoke coming out of my ears. "What did you just call her?" My hands ball into fists and my vision blurs a little.

Elsa puts her hand on my shoulder, making me melt. Or maybe that's the fire boiling up in my head. Who does this Kuzco think he is?! "Jack..." She whispers.

"Babe." Kuzco finally answers my question like it's no big deal. "That's what I always called her in the drama class we had together sophomore year."

I quickly think of a comeback. "Well-"

"Ahem." Elsa cuts me off, and gently grabs my arm. "We're gonna go."

She waits for me to relax before turning around. Before we leave, she gives Kuzco a warm smile.

"Thanks, Kuzco." She speaks in a calm, honey voice. Why can't she talk to me like that?! Leave him alone!

"Anytime babe!"

That's it! I start to turn back around, getting ready to swing a punch. Elsa grabs my arm more firmly (which by the way she has been holding this entire time!) and holds me back.

"Jack." Elsa gives me a clear warning,

I take a deep breath, slide my hand into hers, and keep walking. We walk in an awkward silence for a while, ignoring the stares from everyone around us. Don't they have places to be?

What was that? No one calls Elsa 'babe' like that. He can't steal my girl from me! Not now, after I finally realize my feelings for her! Thinks he's so great, with his annoying smirk and proud aura. No ones taking my girl from me. No. One.


We walk in silence for a bit. Jack keeps the intense look on his face, and grips my hand a little too tightly.

What's wrong with him?! Pretending he actually cares about me. I guess Kuzco might ruin his 'plan' but still! That's not fair! I don't deserve to have him walk around, pretending he loves me, and telling off guys I might actually like! Poor Kuzco, being told off like that. He doesn't deserve that! At least he's a good guy- unlike someone.

I finally decide to break the ice. "Jack... Are you okay?"

He looks up and I do my best to put a worried look on my face, though I'm really kind of mad. His look softens as he sees the 'concern' I have.

"Yeah, of course I am!" He loosens his grip on my hand. "Sorry... About what happened back there."

I take a deep breath. "It's okay..." No it's not! "Just... What did happen?"

"I uh... I guess I just got kinda jealous." He runs his fingers through his hair. " I didn't like they way he was looking at you."

How do I respond to that? That was sweet... It almost sounded sincere. How is he such a good liar?! Finally I resort to a simple and quiet "oh." And stare at the ground.

"So... You must know him really well, with the way he was talking about you and calling you 'babe' and stuff." Jack looks at me curiously, trying to put a teasing grin on his face to hide his obvious anger.

"Uh... We were in a drama class sophomore year. We did a couple plays together. He's in my English class."

"I didn't know you acted." He smirks at me.

"That was before I got serious with figure skating. It was fun... But nothing big." I explain.

"So what plays were you in?"

"Just a few school productions. As I said, it was nothing big." Do I really have to give him my life story? Please don't ask what parts I played!

"So what parts have you played?" Of course, he just had to ask. I hate you, fate; or whatever it is.

"Once or twice I was the main... The three or four other times I was just a sidekick character... A few times I was an extra..." Okay. That's it. I'm done explaining myself to you.

"And was Kuzco any good?" I could tell what he was getting at.

"Oh yes, he's a fabulous actor." Almost as good as you.

He nods, thinking. "Were you ever the main... With him?"


Jack smirks. "Did you ever have to kiss him?"

Memories come flooding back to me and I remember all the rehearsals. "That's none of your business."

"So yes."

I fling my nose in the air. "It was part of the play."

"Sure it was." He grins at me, matching his speed to my quickened one.

Before I can argue, Jack turns abruptly to go to class. "See you at lunch."

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