•Chapter Seven •Let The Games Begin•

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After we turn in the cake- and get 100% on it- I head to calculus. It's really boring and I struggle to pay attention, but finally the bell rings. Everyone rushes out the door, and I give it my best shot and sprint hard out of the room. You have to be strong to push through these hallways. Before I make it very far, I hear a thump and the next thing I know I'm on the ground.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Elsa!" My vision clears and I see Jack offering his hand. I take it and stand up.

"Oh, it's okay! It was my fault." I say, giving a cute smile. Hopefully this beat-the-player thing isn't too difficult.

Jack gives me a very convincing smile back. Wow, he actually looks like he cares. Maybe he should've taken drama. "Actually, I was just coming to talk to you! I was thinking we could maybe hang out today?" He pretends to be slightly nervous, but I don't buy it- not even for a second. "Since we're partners, I think it would be good to get to know each other and become good friends!"

It takes all my strength not to roll my eyes and tell him to get out of my sight. Instead, I act slightly surprised and flattered at the same time. "Yeah that's a good idea! What did you have in mind?"

"Um, how about we watch a movie?" He continues his half nervous- half confident act.

"Sure!" I bat my eyelashes exactly three times: not too much and not too awkwardly little. He notices and hides a faint smirk.

"Great! I'll text you what time and everything later."

"Sounds good! I need to get to class now." I leave before the conversation continues.


I nearly jump in excitement after she walks off. This is gonna be so easy! She gave me all the little hints I was expecting: the innocent smile, the cute surprised looks, the "I like you" eyelash batting. Finally, everything was going according to my plan.

After a few seconds, I head to class and half pay attention, but mostly just text Kristoff and Eugene. I have to make sure they knew that I have this whole thing under control.

"Um, Jack?" The girl next to me nudges my arm. Ugh, what does she want?

I look up and see Mr. Geppetto (*yes, he's in woods class*) still talking and look over at her. "Yeah?" I say, probably a little too coldly.

"This is for you! It's from the girl over there." She points to a brunette girl as she hands me a light blue heart shaped paper.

I sigh a little and take the paper. "Thanks." I glance at the paper.

Dear Jack, (wow, formal much?)

I'm not going to tell you who I am, but I'm sure someone has already pointed me out. You probably get this a lot, but I'm just gonna say it: I like you. (I actually do get that a lot. Can't anyone be creative?!) I've liked you for quite a while- since we met in seventh grade art class. I will never forget the day you said hi to me for the first time. I know you have a lot of girls chasing after you constantly- understandingly of course- but I hope one day you'll notice me and maybe even like me back.

Love you always, A*i*e (the L and C in her name were crossed out, as if I wasn't supposed to see them or something.)

The girl- Alice, I guess- glances back at me and pretends to be looking out the window. I smile- yes I'm nice- but then just throw the letter away. Honestly, I don't have time to deal with admirers. Not with the Elsa thing going on.

After a while the bell rings and I head to lunch, then before I know it, school is over. I rush home to find a movie. According to all I've learned about her, I should just choose a cute movie: she likes those because they're full of happy ever afters and all that sappy stuff. I scan all of my movies and decide on Where The Lines Blur.

Hey, still up for that movie?

She texts back surprisingly fast. Of course!

Okay, how does Where The Lines Blur sound?

Aw you remembered that I like fairytale movies! Sounds perfect! :)

Great! I'll just pick you up at 7:00, okay?

It takes a minute for her to reply. Okay!

I put my phone away and finish my homework quickly, then get ready for the date.


After I text him, I go over to my closet and stare at it. What should I wear? I want to wear something cute to show him I want to impress him, but something more comfortable to show that I'm comfortable around him. This is so difficult! It's been years since I've worried about stuff like this!

Even though it's not actually a date, I try on several different outfits. I finally decide to go with a regular pair of black jeggings (Jean-Leggings) and my favorite white sweatshirt that I got at a figure skating competition a few years ago. The outfit is very comfortable, but also quite stylish. As a finishing touch, I throw my hair into a messy French braid. I look at the clock and it's already 6:55.

"ELSAAA!" Anna calls from downstairs. I quickly run down there and see her inhaling a piece of chocolate cake. Honestly, I don't know how the girl stays so skinny. She never stops eating!

"Yes, Anna?"

"Why is Jack Frost's car sitting in front of our house?" She asks, emphasizing his name a little bit.

"Oh, um..." I try to think of how to make this sound like it's not a date. "He thought it would be a good idea for us to hang out and get to know each other..." Anna raises her eyebrow. "... Since we're partners in Foods Class!"

"So like a date?!" She says excitedly finishing off her slice of cake.

Jack knocks on the door.

"No, like a friendly hangout." I roll my eyes. Ugh, just let me go already. Our door isn't exactly sound proof, so I know he can hear everything we're saying.


"Okay, well I'm leaving now. Bye! And save a slice of that cake for me!" I say, reaching for the door handle.

"Not unless you admit this is a date!"

I sigh heavily, knowing he will hear me. But wait, maybe that's a good thing? "Fine, yes, this is a date!" I say loud enough for him to hear me clearly.

I open the door, and Jack pretends to be very interested in the rose bushes on the side of our house. He looks up. "Ready to go?"

I nod and we walk to his car. Being the "gentleman" he is, he opens my door for me. What a playing jerk.

*hey guys sorry this one took so long to update! I have a ton of homework since it's almost the end of the term, so it will take me a while to write.

I hope you like the story so far!

Comment what you think!! Love you snowflakes!!!*

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