•Chapter Twelve •Lovebug•

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I groan as my alarm goes off. It seems to be taunting me; I can almost hear it saying "Happy Monday!" sarcastically. For a few seconds, I toss and turn around my bed, but finally I get up and turn it off. I routinely go to jump in the shower and get ready for school.

As I put on my blue hoody, I start actually thinking, and remember the date on Friday. I smile goofily at the memory. That was probably the best night of my life. But that's a pretty bad thing, considering the bet.

I'm supposed to just be pretending to like her, so I can get her to like me. Why am I doing this again? I suddenly get a conscience and think of how heartbroken she'll be at the end of this. I mean, she loves me. I don't want to keep this up, but I can't just back out of a bet with Kristoff!

Whew, I need some time to think. "Hey mom? I'm leaving now! I'm gonna go to Tre Bror for breakfast!" I yell upstairs as I head out the door.

Tre Bror is the local cafe just a few streets away from the school. A lot of kids go there for lunch and stuff, but it's pretty empty for breakfast most of the time. As I'm walking there, I notice a lot of dark clouds and I swear I feel I few raindrops. Oh well; Tre Bror is even better in the rain.

Once I get there, I order a quick pumpkin spice coffee and breakfast scone and take a seat at one of the tables by a large window. I like the view of the empty, cool streets. A few minutes later, Elsa walks in the doors looking sad; or lost, or frustrated, or something.

"Hey, Elsa!" I wave at her and she turns her head.

Instantly, her face brightens up and she smiles. "Hi!" Elsa orders quickly and takes a seat at my table.

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh, just needed some air." She waves off the question, so I don't question further despite my growing concern. "Do you come here a lot?"

"Not really, I guess I just needed some air too." I flash her one of my signature smirks. "Looks like it's going to be pretty cool today." Gesturing out the window, I look out at the fog settling quietly around.

And suddenly, we're engaged in a good conversation. I love these conversations because it's so fun to see her talk. Her eyes light up brightly and she uses her hands to exaggerate what she's saying. And, man, don't even get me started on those lips.

About a half hour later, Elsa looks at the clock. "You ready to go?" She asks.

"Oh, yeah, we should probably leave so we're not late." We stand up and I open the door for her.

Once outside, I immediately grab her hand- softly. I just hold it a little bit; waiting for her permission, I guess. After only a moment, she holds my hand back and we continue talking as if nothing happened.

It feels amazing to hold Elsa's hand. (I got this after googling adjectives with my co-writer :)) Our hands were like two Siamese twins conjoined at the wrist. Her hand fit perfectly in mine. It's quite petite, but really soft. I'm almost scared to squeeze too hard and break her pale, perfect skin. Her hand is a little bit cold, but it doesn't bother me. It makes me smile. I love it; this moment.

I start really thinking. Really, she doesn't know about the bet. So technically I could just ask her to be my girlfriend, have her say yes, get the $20, keep my reputation, and continue as if nothing was happening. That way I could: 1. Win my bet and prove that I'm better than Kristoff once again. 2. Be her boyfriend and be with the girl I love.

It's a pretty good plan, I think. A totally win-win situation. Nothing could possibly go wrong!


We were about half way to the school when the rain started. I mean really started. It had been sprinkling before but it all of a sudden the rain just started pouring down.

"Elsa, over here!" Jack started dragging me over to a tree. We were across the street from the school. I check my phone and realize the bell is going to ring in 3 minutes.

"You okay?" Jack looked at me with concern. Fake concern probably.

"Yeah... Just a little wet is all." I look up at the sheets of rain and rub my hands together to keep warm.

Jack gives me one of his famous smirks. Oh no, that's never good. He takes my hands in his. "Cold?"

"Yeah... In case you haven't noticed, it's kind of raining." He rolls his eyes at my extreme sarcasm, then returns to his smirk. "Do you think they'll get mad if we're late? I ask worriedly.

Instead of answering, he releases my hands and bows. I stare at him with a confused look, waiting to see what on earth is about to happen. "Race ya!"

I smile deviously. "You're on!" Without waiting for him to say go, I race from the tree and into the cold rain.

"Hey, no fair!" He races to me and grabs my hand to slow me down.

We sprint until we get to the school driveway, then start let go of each other and run even faster towards the door. Jack gets there first, but only by about a second. He opens it for me and I charge into the school as fast as I can. I suddenly become away of the 'slippery when wet' sign and the sopping water everywhere. Unable to control myself, I slip and slide through the hallway, screaming.

"Ahhhh!" The lockers get closer in view and the students make way for me. Good to know I've gone to school with these guys for twelve years and they're not willing to save my life! "-uf!"

Instead of running into the lockers, I am stopped abruptly by someone. I look up at my hero with a sigh of relief. He has dark black hair, tan skin, and a completely overdone outfit. I know him from a drama class sophomore year and English this year.

"Thanks, Kuzco." I smile as he lets me out of his arms. He grins as he reluctantly lets his arms down at his side.

"No problem babe."

He Loves Me... He Loves Me Not *completed*Where stories live. Discover now