Chapter 1

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"Lissa what are you doing?" I asked. She was running around crazy clearly searching for something important. "Some book about a law that I'm trying to get around with the council." She replied never stopping to collect herself. She gonna go crazy. I looked down at the coffee table and saw an old looking book. I started laughing really hard, I could bet you a hundred buck thats it. When I finally got collected together I could speak. "Um Lissa is that it?" I asked pointing to the book on the table. She stopped, looked at the book I was pointing at. She frowned and nodded. Which sent me into my hysterical laughing, I didn't notice someone else was in the room until they scared the shit out of me. "Jesus Christ Christan. Was that really necessary?" I asked when I saw it was just him. I frowned when I saw Dimitri laughing right besides Christan.

"You'd do best to stop it right now Guardian Belikov." I said in the straights most serious face I had which had to be really serious because both Christan and Dimitri stopped laughing and sobered up. Christan got bored and moved on to greet Lissa, Dimitri gave me a look of apology but i'm not going to be so forgiving and maybe a little payback is in order so i'll give him the silent treatment until he is practically begging for me on his knees. I turned to him still has serious as before and said "That wasnt very prefessional Guardian Belikov. Something could of happened and Lissa, Christan, and I could be dead because of it." He lowered his head mumble his apology and went into guardian mode. I could feel his eyes on me but I kept my guardian mask on and kept looking for threats that could harm Lissa. When my shift was over I said goodbye to Lissa and just smiled at me and nodded her head bye clearly knowning what I was doing to Dimitri. I smiled back and left, Dimitri had half an hour left on his shift. So I made sure that I got home showered got dressed in really sexy night lingerie, I picked out shorts and a T-shirt for Dimitri and pulled out a blanket, pillow, and sheets. I went down stairs put the sheet around the couch put the pillow down with the folded blanket and clothes down. That'll be the last time he laughs at me outloud. I smiles at my work and my self control. I went and made diner which took 10 minutes to warm up left overs I made a plate for Dimitri and I. I didn't wait for him to get home to eat if my plan was to work. I was just finishing risning my plate when I heard Dimtri walk in and come into the kitchen. He didn't come up to me or say anything just ate silently. I of course didn't wait until he was done. Because if I did I would of jumped his bones. I walked up stairs and for good measures I slammed the door and locked it. Seconds later Dimitri was there trying to come in when he realized I locked the door he stopped and started speaking. "Rose I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt your feeling please open the door so we can talk." "You know what Dimitri you've been laughing at me alot and it hurts me. I feel stupid and a screw up when you do okay and NO i'm not opening the door." I shouted back. I know nothing I said was the truth but he didnt know that. "I need clothes and to take a shower." He replied. " You can use the downstairs bathroom and I left you a pair of clothes on the couch where you'll be sleeping." I said. "Roza please don't do this to me. I need you, I love you and I didn't mean to laugh. I didn't think it was that big of a deal." he said. "Oh so now our relationship isn't that big of a deal?" I said. fake crying and sobbing so he'd hear. "Roza no please don't do this our relationship means the world to me. Please don't cry its breaking my heart." He said. I  didn't reply to him. I heard him leave the door and the shower turn on. I guess I fell asleep because the thing that woke me up was Muscular arms wrapping  around me. His scent wrapped around me and made me supper nauseous, I tried to get out of his arms to throw up but he thought I was trying to get away from him. So I did the next best thing to get out of his arms I hit him in the balls. When that happend I stumbled out of the bedroom and into the bathroom. I was bent over the toilet throwing up when Dimitri came in and pulled my hair up. "Get away from me your aftershave is making me sick." I said throwing up some more. Dimitri left and washed up and came back smelling natural. "Roza are you okay?" he asked. I wanted to say yes but I knew I wasn't. "No, but I hate to say it but I need to go to the doctors office." I said frowning. Something is really wrong with me, this isn't the first time i've been throwing up, this is the 11th or 12th time this week. "Okay lets get ready and will go down to the doctors. I'll call Lissa and tell her once where there." He said. I nodded and got up to put on some sweats to wear so i'd be comfortable. Once we were ready we headed off to the Doctor's office. We arrived 6 minutes later, Dimitri excused himself to call Lissa. "Doc Verma came in asked me whats wrong I told her whats been happening. She came back four minutes later with a pregnancy test. Good thing Dimitri still hasn't came back "No way! I can't be I've only had sex with one person and he's Dhampir." I said. Its impossible. "Well Miss Hathaway not so much I've read your file and you where brought back from the dead by a spirit user Vaslissa am I correct?" Doc asked. I nodded. "I believe when she healed you she healed your reproduction also. Allowing you to get pregnant with anyone. Even your own kind." Doc said. I can't believe it. I'm only 18, only been a guard for like 4 weeks. I took the test and went into the bathroom took the test. When I was done I walked out. The Doc's watch went off. "Are you ready to see the results?" Doc asked I nodded and turned it over to see it positive. I heard Dimitri scream my name and I looked at the Doctor pleading her to not say anything or let them see the test. That was all I remember before blacking out. I woke up to bright lights in my eyes. I swatted at the doctor to get the light out of my face. “I’m fine.” I said looking at a very worried Lissa and Dimitri. “Rose what happened? The doctor won’t tell us anything.” He said. Well something’s wrong but he’s either gonna like it or hate it. Lissa will love it because she’ll be an aunt. “Go get the Doctor because she knows how this is possible.” I said. Lissa excuse herself to go get the doctor again. Dimitri just looked at me with worried eyes and love, along with a lot of concern. When Lissa and the Doc returned I started to explain. “Well I’m pregnant and before you start demanding who’s it is, its yours comrade. I’d never cheat on you. The doc will explain how it is possible.” I said. We all looked at the doctor “Well when Lissa brought her back from the dead she healed her reproduction allowing her to get pregnant with her own. Dimitri looked at me and gave me a big hug. “Oh Roza this is everything I’ve always wanted. I mean I accepted that it couldn’t happen, but now that it has you’ve given me the greatest gift you could.” He said “You will be off duty until you are ready to come back after the pregnancy. How along is she Doc?” Lissa said. “ 4 and a half weeks.” She said excusing herself from the room after discharging me. We were heading home when a people I never expected to see again….. My PARENTS, and they looked pissed at me or Dimitri or both of us.

Disclaimer I don’t own VA or its characters it all belongs to Richelle Mead. I do own this plot line and the characters I make up.  Hope you liked the first Chapter.

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