Chapter 8

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“Roza… Roza come on speak to me. Baby don’t leave me, breath come on.” Dimitri said. I felt pumping on my chest. Then I was spitting up water then trying to catch my breath, “Dimitri is the baby okay?” I asked. “Yes Rose the baby is just fine, Health as a horse.” Adrian said. “How do you know?” I asked him. “Spirit user remember; and it’s in your Aura.” Adrian said. I smiled and closed my eyes and shook my head. “Will someone call Lissa and tell her to come over here. I need her by my side right now.” I said to anyone willing to call. “I’ll call her Rose.” Eddie said. “Roza come on you’re shaking, it's freezing outside, let’s go in.” Dimitri said picking me up from the ground. I final realized that I was absolutely freezing and hung on closer to him for warmth. Dimitri hustled in the house and set me on the couch to get warm; putting a blanket around me and lifting up my feet to sit right next to me. “Where is she?” I heard Lissa demand. Wow she could be a Queen someday. “I’m in here Lissa.” I tried shouting but it was worthless because it came out as a shriek. Lissa bustled in “Rose are you alright?” Lissa asked. I nodded; I could feel sleep coming upon me. “Lissa I'm tired will you help me to bed?” I asked “Yes come on.” Lissa said. She pulled the blanket off and helped me to my feet, I was surprised that my foot wasn’t hurting then realized Adrian was here. He never respected what I wanted; but I am grateful for him for what he did. Lissa was helping me up the stairs when I stumble because I was starting to drift off. I caught both Lissa and I before falling down the stairs. “Whoa there, you alright Rose?” Lissa asked. I nodded and kept going; we made into my room and Lissa helped me into bed. “Lissa will you sleep with me tonight?” I asked. “Sure thing Rose, just let me go tell Christian and Dimitri.” Lissa said. I nodded; I stayed awake until Lissa was by my side then when she was; I drifted off to sleep knowing she and I were going to be okay. I woke up and started panicking when I saw Lissa wasn't in bed with me. But then I looked up at the clock and saw it was almost 3 in the afternoon she's probably already up and had breakfast and lunch. Soon to start on diner, as if sensing I was up I heard a soft knock. "Come in" I said already knowing who it was. But my mother came in instead of Lissa. "Hi Rose, how are you doing?" She asked. "Doing better then I thought I would be. Just really glad the baby is alright." I said. "I think I'm attached to it already" I added quickly. "That's good to here, your going to be a great mom very soon." She said. "I'm only 5 months pregnant I have four months left." I said looking down to see my stomach grew like alot since I went to sleep. "Rose I need to tell you something." She said. "What?" I said all to quickly. Sensing that she was gonna say something was majorly wrong; so I braced my self for the worse. "Rose you've been alseep for 3 months. In a coma, we've hooked you up to IV's to keep you and the baby nourished and health. I'm surprised the baby is even still alive. But with the healings  from both Lissa and Adrian. You've both been able to stay alive." Mom said. I felt my mouth open in close then started wondering where Dimitri was he wouldn't be gone from my side for less then a minute. "Where's Dimitri?" I asked. She looked broke and shameful, lost in her eyes. She gulped "He's gon-" she started then stopped because Adrian burst in. "Dimitri will be here very soon just was gone because he ran to the store." He said. My mom looked down then back up guardian mask on. She smiled and nodded agreeing with Adrian. "Thank goodness, I don't know what I'd do without them." I said. Mom's eyes filled with tears "Can I speak with you for a moment Adrian?"Mom demanded heading towards the doors. Adrian followed her and so did I once she closed the door. "Why did you lie to her Adrian she needs to know" Mom said. "Because if we tell her the truth then she'll go into a depression like Lissa. It's been 2 months since they disappeared. Abe is doing everything he can to find Dimitri and Christian." Adrian said. I swung the door open at this point. With tears streaming down my face. I ran like I never ran before. When I got to her house I barged through the door to see Lissa staring out the window. "Is it true?" I asked. She stiffened then relaxed. "I'm so sorry Rose. Yes it's true, and yes I miss them soo much." Lissa said turning around to face me. She came up to me and hugged me and never let go. We just stood there crying until my mother and Adrian came in and broke us apart.

Hoped you liked the chapter. What happened to Dimitri? What is Rose going to do without Dimitri to keep her sane and calm when needed. Will Rose and Dimitri find each other again; one can only hope.

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