Chapter 20

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We have 40 minutes to get back to my house. More guardians will be there so whatever Dimitri's going to do it won't work. "How much longer?" I asked "47 minutes ma'am." Dante said. I shook my head. Then the crying started again. "Oh my god get them to shut up. NOW!"I shouted "Dante how many times have I told you to call me Rose. I'm no ma'am to you anymore." I added. "Sorry Rose just trying to break old habbits." He said. The buzzing of my phone broke me out of my smile especially when I saw who was calling. Dimitri. "Hello, Rose speaking." "Give the kids back now." Dimitri barked through the phone. "Give me my son" I said. "You're never going to see him without me around the whole time." He growled. "Fine, you know where I live. You have 12 hours before I decline and ship the kids off to where I'll only know." I replied hanging up. "Rose I know you want your son, but isn't that kind of to far." Sonny asked. "Sonny I know it is, but they don't know what I will and won't do. I don't have much time left anyways to play nice." I said. The closest men I've gotten to since Dimitri where Sonny, Dante, and Taylor. They were the closest people to me. Plus they are kind of like my older brothers protective but always loyal no matter what I ask them to do. "Are you really going to let Dimitri get that near you?" Sonny asked. "I don't know but I want Dante, you, and Taylor in my office when we get home." I said. They nodded in response knowing what we were going to talk about. I guess I fell alseep because when I woke up it was to Dante telling someone to open my bedroom door. I didn't bother to open my eyes knowing that Dante was caring me to my bedroom to sleep. "Make sure the kids are put in a room all together, I'll call you when you wake up, when I call bring Layton in the office to with Sonny and Taylor." I grumbled out when he sat me down in my room. I fell alseep almost right away, the medication is slowing me down now. I don't know when I fell alseep but when I woke up it was 3 a clock in the evening. I looked at my phone nothing. I opened it up slightly being blinded by the phones light. I dialed Dantes number it rung three times before he picked it up. "Remember what I told you? I need to add to that, I need you to get Taylor and Sonny both in my room, you carry on and get Layton into my office and watch her I'll be there as quick as I can. Also tell them to get my pills please I'm in alot of pain right now." I said all at once. "Okay Rose I'll do it, but are you really okay do you need me instead of Taylor or Sonny?" Dante asked in an unusually gentle, caring voice with another emotion I didn't realize. "No its finally time I told them what's going on." I said. "Okay Rose see you soon" he said and there it was again that unusual emotion I can't figure out. I tried to sit up but I couldn't the pain was getting worse each minute I didn't take those pills. Knock knock. "Come in" I said. "Ma'am Dante said you needed us and to bring your pills." Taylor spoke. I nodded. "Dante also said you had to tell us something really important." Sonny added. "Yes and please don't say anything until I'm done explaining please" they nodded. "Okay well when I was in my search for Mason I got really sick. So I went to a doctors in where I was at the time. They ended up sending me to the hospital to get a CT scan. They fond a mass of cancer on my lower spin and only gave me a couple months to live but I've lived passed those days because of my blood I'm part Morio so that's helping me alot to keep me alive and the medicine in your hands but it's starting not to work. I'm dying and don't have much time left doctor says 7 months or less he really doesn't know. I wasn't suppose to live this long. So even that shocked the doctor's. They have been calling it a miracle but it's really not. Anyways can I have my pills now?" I asked Sonny nodded and gave me my pills and Taylor walked into my bathroom to get me a cup of water. Taylor handed me the water and I took all my pills. "Is this why you want to get your son so bad?" Sonny asked. I nodded. "Walking and or last trip almost killed me. I struggle to walk most of the time but pull it off without anyone knowing." I said. "Do you need one of us to carry you to the office?" Taylor asked. I nodded tears coming to my eyes. "Ah boss don't cry, you'll make us cry plus you're much tougher then this." Sonny said picking me up. "I'm just tired and worn out, I need to say my goodbyes, and be done with everything so I can move on." I said. We just passed by the children's room. "Stop open the door Taylor." I said. He nodded and cracked open the door. The kids were playing like nothing had happened. I smiled. But when I looked closer I saw a hand laying on the floor like they were dead. "Dimitri's here." I whispered in Sonny's ear. Sonny sat me down and pulled out his gun Taylor did the same not knowing what was going on but planned on being back up. I pulled out my gun I had picked up before leaving my room. I was slow and weak and it hurt to move. Damn medicine. I heard grunts then an all clear. I moved in to see Dimitri all alone. He smirked when he saw me "you'll never see your son again." I just shook my head, fell to my knees, and dropped my gun. I started crying. From the pain but mostly never getting to see my son again. "Rose. Come on we need to get you to the office." Taylor said picking me up bridal style. I just kept crying. When we got to the office it took all but 30 seconds for me to be in Dantes arms and him demanding what happened. I barely heard Sonny and Taylor explaining things, but I didn't care. "What's he doing here? And where's Jr?" Dante demand. Clearly they brought Dimitri with us and thinking he was here my son would be too. He put me in my office chair and went over to stand in front of Dimitri. "Do you have any idea what you've done?" Dante asked him. "Yes I've stopped a monster from taking my child." Dimitri replied. I looked up to see that's what he thought. "We could of killed everyone." Dante replied. "But we didn't because we never wanted to hurt anyone." He added. "Rose isn't a monster." Sonny said. "She just wanted to see her son before she died." Taylor shouted at Dimitri. "Stop, please stop. It's over." I said. I tried to get up but couldn't so I just fell back into my chair. "Rose what are these men talking about?" Dimitri demanded. "You don't get to know Dimitri. All you get to know is that I'm dying I wasn't going to keep our son for long, just long enough to see him live a little. Before I died. You took that chance away from me." I said. "How are you dying? Dimitri asked. "Dante please take me to my room. Then let Dimitri take the kids back to Lissa. Let them go. But make sure I have to never see any of them again." I said. Dante picked me up and started to take me to my room. I buried my face into Dantes chest and cried. I heard Dimitri shouting my name and demanding for me to speak to him. But he just ruined everything. Tomorrow I'm going to have to start on my funeral and plan my inheritance for my son.

Hope you all like the chapter. Let me hear about how you think the story will end? Will Rose die? Before she makes amends. Find out, only got a couple chapters left.

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