Chapter 3

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I woke up under a bundle of weight. Like a lot of weight "Dimitri get off me, I can barely breathe with you on me. Dimitri I mean it. DIMITRI!!!" I said slapping him. He grumbles something, and then rolled off. I got dress and headed down stairs to be greeted by Olena. "Morning Rose, How did you sleep?" Olena asked. Humph how did I sleep. "Horrible. I cannot sleep with Dimitri anymore. He almost killed me this morning." I said. Olena started laughing and I mean laughing really hard. She slumped down in a kitchen chair. She had her hand over her heart and kept laughing really hard. She finely got her breathing under control and started speaking "Oh Rose, he's done that since he was a little boy. But if you want you can sleep with Viki. I'm sure she'd love it." Olena said "Who'd love what?" Dimitri grumbled coming into the kitchen. "I'll be sleeping with Viki for the rest of the time where here." I said looking at him. I've never seen his eyes get so big in my life; he also almost dropped his mug half full of coffee. "What? Why?" Dimitri asked. Where do I start? "Maybe because you almost killed me this morning." I said "I'd never almost kill you." he said defending himself. "You rolled on top of me while sleeping and you had your full weight on me. I can't even take on your body weight, let alone with a baby inside." I said. ”I’m sorry Roza, but that doesn’t mean it’ll happen again.” Dimitri said. I looked at him in the eyes. “Fine, I’ll keep sleeping with you but we need a bigger bed. Or preferable our own house?” I asked. He didn’t register it at first but then it hit him, his eyes widen and soften possible even more. “Do you really mean that?” he asked. Olena kept looking in-between us to see if this was true. “Yes I do, or at least until the baby is 2 or 3 years old.” I said. “Oh Roza you don’t even know how much this means to me. Anything and everything you do just makes me love you even more and more.” Dimitri said. I laughed. “Oh Dimitri. You better start looking for two houses instead of smooching Rose.” Christian said. Why would he need to look for two houses? Dimitri clearly knowing what I was thinking asked him “Why two houses?”  “Because once Lissa finds out she’s gonna wanna move too.” Christian replied. Oh that’s right I haven’t even told Lissa to see what she thinks. I don’t think she’ll care. “Okay Dimitri, Christian. You guys are incharge of finding houses. But Dimitri I want a two story house that’s Blue with white outline and a porch that wraps around the house.” I said. I’ve always wanted a house like that since I was little it was the prefect house for the family I thought I never would have. But now I do have a family, Dimitri and our little miracle to be. “ROSE!!! HELP ME!!” Lissa screamed from upstairs. She sounded panicked. I sprinted up the stairs, Christian, Dimitri, and Olena behind me. I was at her door and I was stopped because it was locked. “Lissa open the door. Come on open it.” I yelled through the door. “Are you the only one out there Rose?” She whispered. “No Lissa, Christian, Dimitri, and Olena are all out here with me.” I said. “Tell them to go away; I just need to talk to you Rose. This is private.” Lissa said through the door a little more clearly. Something’s off about her voice, I looked at Dimitri he just nodded his head and walked down stairs with Olena and Christian. Its day time so no Strigoi could be Tasha but she wouldn’t hurt Lissa. She loves Christian too much to hurt him for her own love life. So this has to be a real threat. “Lissa there all gone it’s just me. Come on let me in now.” I said. With that she flung open the door, pulled me in and slammed the door shut. I let out a small scream loud enough for Dimitri to hear if he was around the corner or something. Which he was at the door in a matter of seconds pounding on the door. I looked around for any threat and saw nothing. “Dimitri I’m okay so is Lissa she just needs so girl time.” I said. I heard him sigh of relief. “Don’t scare me like that Roza, I’ll give you guys some space now.” He replied walking downstairs. To tell Christian and Olena everything is alright. “Lissa now what is so wrong you had to give me a heart attack.” I asked her. She looked at me shyly. “Well can we get out of here and go out to eat and see a movie like the old days.” She asked. I nodded my head. I smiled before saying “Get your sweats on; I’ll get my big purse to sneak in candy, popcorn, and soda.” She laughed, “Oh Rose always breaking the rules no matter what; but will Dimitri let you go out alone? What about your dad?” she asked looking around nervously. Okay something is really wrong. “Lissa tell me what’s wrong right now or I’ll use the bond.” I said. She glared at me for a few minutes before speaking. “Alright… I’m pregnant, or I think I am. I’m not sure the test could be wrong.” She said. Oh I didn’t see that coming. “Let’s go do our thing; I have a doctor’s appointment today. I think they can get you in has well.” I said “Now get your sweats on, hair up in a bun, and lets go.” I said. I opened the door and heading down stairs to only be barn barded with questions. “Shut up all of you. Lissa and I are going to lunch then a movie, to my appointment with the doctors. Without any of you, and yes that includes you has well Dimitri. I’m still Lissa’s guard for another week before I have to stop.” I said. Let’s just say I got the glares of the season. Or the year, Lissa came down along with Viktoria, she was in sweats bun up in her hair. Looks like she’s coming along. “Dimika calm down I’m going to, Rose won’t be alone along with Lissa.” Vik said. “Rose you’re not going out there alone. Your guardians are coming along with you to protect you. That’s why I got them.” Abe said. “I don’t care, I think I’ll last a day, hint, hint, the key word in there is day.  Anyway will be back around 6 or 7 tonight after the appointment. If were gone any later I’ll call to let you know we’re gonna be late. If I don’t call you I forgot but we won’t be any later than 8:30. Are you okay with that Dimitri?” I asked him. If he told me no then he’ll be sleeping on the couch for a good couple of weeks. I looked him dead in the eye daring him to tell me no; even if he did I would go anyway. But I would be leaving pissed at him and that’s the last thing he’ll want, because he knows what I’ll do if he does on top of that I have these crazy hormonal pregnant women signs so it’s gonna be like hell for him if  he does. “Fine, go but if you’re not here by 8 at the latest then I’m coming to look for you.” I nodded my head grabbed the keys, kissed Dimitri got hard cold glares from my parents before leaving. We all three got in the car before Lissa asked Vik where the movies are. “Two blocks away.” She said. We went to the movies picked out the only English movie they were playing and paid for it, the movie that was playing was “Let’s be cops” we got the tickets for the 4 clock showings. We had two hours to eat. We spent the first 30 minutes trying to find something to eat that I wanted. Finally we found a Euro shop that was absolutely amazing. When we finish we had an hour before the movie so we found a baby story to go shopping. Let’s just say Dimitri’s going to be mad, I used his debt card, I spent around roughly is 900 dollars. We were heading to the movies when I saw something on the windshield a note.

Dearest Rose,


I told you I was going to kill you, I also see that you have guess with you Lissa and Viktoria. Tell them to get out of the car and drive away or you’ll all die.




I told them to get out and take the stuff with them and go home, said I’ll meet them at home. They didn’t question me, they got out I saw them get in a cab and put the stuff in the truck. Lissa’s eyes meet me just when the car blew up with me inside it. I saw fear lite Lissa’s face along with Viktoria’s. I was somehow outside on the pavements, I saw people trying to restrain Dimitri and my parents, I was being lifted off the ground and into the ambulance with Lissa getting in as well. I saw Christian helping a crying Dimitri into a car to follow us. I looked at Lissa and saw her crying then she laid a hand on me. I felt hot then cold off and on, then it all stop, blackness engulfed me and that’s all I remember.

I woke up to see Dimitri sleeping in a chair and Lissa sleeping in the other. I tried to speak but couldn’t my throat was dry. So it came out as a choke, Dimitri woke up at this and handed me some water. I drank it until it was all gone; Lissa woke up in the middle of all this and was looking at me with relief in her eyes. “Dimitri how long have I been sleeping?” I asked him “13 days” he replied smiling with silent tears coming down. The baby, my eyes widen and I looked at Dimitri but he beat me to it. “The baby is fine actually, nothing wrong with him.” He I’m having a baby boy. “How do you know it’s a boy?” I asked. “Well you were gonna find out at your appointment that day you---“ Dimitri choked up. “Hey look at me I’m fine. I’m here with you okay stop worrying.” I said. “Roza what happened that day?” Dimitri asked. I looked at him trying to remember that horrible day. “There was a note on the windshield I noticed it before Lissa and Viktoria could. So I read it. It told me that if they didn’t get out of the car they’d die too. I had to protect them Dimitri even if I did die.” I said. Dimitri turned angry. He started yelling at me that I had a baby to think of. “Lissa is pregnant too. I couldn’t just think of myself I couldn’t risk three lives, instead of just two.” I yelled back. Dimitri looked at Lissa asking her if it’s true she nodded her head. Dimitri swore but didn’t yell at me. Christian heard what I said and Lissa and him started to talk. Dimitri took my hand and went on one knee. “Roza I can’t lose you and our son. I love you both so much it’s going to kill me. I want you to be mine official so will you do me and our son the honor of marrying me?” He asked. “Yes Dimitri. I will marry you.” I said. I heard a knock on the door and Dimitri told them to go away but they didn’t instead Tasha came in. My eyes widen in fear, I gripped Dimitri’s hand in a death grip. ”What’s wrong Roza.” Dimitri asked. He didn’t recognize Tasha because she was in disguise. “That’s Tasha Dimitri. She’s the one who blew me up.” I whispered in his ear. He straightens up and pulled out his stake and got in-between her and I. “Tasha you need to leave or die. Pick. I’m giving you a choice, something you didn’t give Rose.” He said in a deathly tone that says don’t fuck with me anymore. She looked in his eyes and saw that he would kill her if she didn’t leave. “I will finish what I started Dimitri. You’ll hurt like I did when you went with this whore.” She said. “Come near them again or even try anything I’ll kill you slowly and painfully. GOT IT.” He replied to her threat. She nodded then left. “I’m never letting you out of my sights again. I don’t care what you say.” He said to me still angry but calmed down when I agreed to him that it was fine. It wasn’t fine, but I’m not going to argue with a fighting God like Dimitri. “Are you ready to go?” He asked. Ten minutes later I was discharged and heading back to Olena’s house. Or so I thought. Dimitri turned down a street before his and saw the house I wanted. I looked at Dimitri shocked. “You got our house?” I asked still shocked. He nodded. With that he pulled in and walked around the car to open my door, but I got there first I accidently hit him with the door instead. “Are you okay?” I asked never taking my eyes off the door. “I’m fine Roza.” He replied leading me to the house. He got out the key and opened the door to the most beautiful house I’ve ever seen and all I saw was the Fourier. I started towards the rest of the house before Dimitri stopped me. “Roza I love you so much. Also I had Lissa decorate because I don’t know how I hope you’re okay with that. That you didn’t get to decorate the house. And Lissa lives right down the street from us. Both houses already warded.” He said before walking into the house with me trailing him.

   Disclaimer I don't own VA or its Characters. I own this plot line and the Characters I make up

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