> TaoRis* [I Need The Real You]

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Can you be a real human for a second, please?

This ain't TV, no one's watching, it's just you and me

Inspired by 'The Girl That's Underneath' of Jake Miller feat. Jabbar Hakeem

(Listen at above media)

"Why the fuck are you wearing glasses when we're inside?" Yifan questions, thick eyebrows furrowing as he eyes the blond-haired boy beside him.

Zitao lowers his face to look up at Yifan through the top of his sunglasses and raise an eyebrow, causing Yifan to sigh deeply and just pull the other to their seat on the 'almost too hidden' corner of the restaurant. It's really not the right place to sit, atleast for Zitao.

"Why here?" Zitao questions as he swings his right leg over his left one, looking up and smirking at the girl staring at him situated on the other table, which makes the said lady squeal and hit his friend beside her because of the feels.

Huang Zitao, the famous Chinese model, just noticed me!

"Zitao," Yifan calls quietly and holds Zitao's hand, not really surprised when Zitao quickly pulls it away from Yifan's reach and clears his throat. "Is this what a date looks like to you?" Yifan mumbles quietly and sighs as his lips form a thin line, deciding to just start checking for what to order on the menu, holding it up infront of his face so he won't see how camera lights flicker at his boyfriend's face.

Not only that, girls are fangirling over Zitao from the left to the right and it's so fucking annoying. Can't they just eat in peace and leave Zitao alone?

It makes Yifan roll his eyes again though, at that idea, since he's certain that Zitao has zero problem with all this shit. He likes having this much of attention, maybe as payment of his hardwork or as acknowledgement of it, but it still doesn't make sense to Yifan.

Perhaps he would understand if he agreed to go with Zitao at that audition three years ago, when they were still just friends, and passed just like how Zitao did, and became this famous like how Zitao managed to be, but hey, that's not what he likes. In his life, he just wants to do what he loves to do, what makes him happy.

Yifan understands that this makes Zitao happy, and he's supposed to be supportive of his boyfriend's happiness, right? But shouldn't Zitao acknowledge the fact that their dates are not photoshoots?

* * * * *

"Yifan," Zitao snaps his fingers infront of Yifan's face, and when it doesn't work, he leans more into Yifan and caresses Yifan's cheek with a soft smile.

"Oh, yeah. I was just thinking about something. Sorry, Zitao.." Yifan trails off and laughs awkwardly, raising his hand to thread his fingers across the younger's blond locks, then sliding them down Zitao's neck, making Zitao's eyes flutter close, his lips still showing that cute smile, as if it makes him contented to feel solely Yifan's attention, and not like when they're outside that he prefers having all of the other's eyes on him over having Yifan's.

Yifan musters Zitao's frame over his, Zitao's head over Yifan's lap, Zitao's body laying across Yifan's sitting position on the couch, feet dangling down from the armrest.

"Baobei.." Zitao whines as he squirms under Yifan's touch, while the taller's fingers are playing with the hem of Zitao's shirt. "Been busy.. Miss you.." Zitao briefly says as he holds Yifan's wrist and tries to slip the latter's hand inside, but Yifan stubbornly resists.

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