2. The Right Person...

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The Art of Letting Go

2. The Right Person...

You must have heard this once: 'life is a roller coaster'. I must tell you that you have to agree with that. You have your ups, downs, moments you think you're about to die, when you're going in circles, puking, screaming, crying, having fun... You get it. Life's a very long roller coaster ride that takes you up, up, up and can go down in just a second.

And I think I was riding up at a very high speed.

It had been a month since the first lunch I had with Gale, and it had become an usual thing now. Gale. The name sent butterflies flying in my stomach. The name made my cheeks turn into a pink shade. The name drew a smile in my face. He was so much more than I had imagined.

He had dreams, hopes and ambitions. He had hobbies and flaws. He was so real it was disturbing. It was if like we were puzzle pieces and we could fit perfectly with each other. It was perfect. I had found the person I was looking for.

I remember the moment.

He had taken me hiking. Nature, full of wonders, was his favorite thing in the world. He liked being in contact with her. Colors, smells, textures, shades... It was all about art when he concentrated in his surroundings. He was that amazing.

"Emma, come and see this." His eyes were shining as he looked at me. He extended his arm and his hand grasped mine. I figured it out at that moment. He was the one. He made me feel safe even with just one look. I climbed and stood beside him. "I would like you to meet Mother Nature."

Mother Nature, powerful and elegant, was before me. A beautiful water cascade was enchanting a small lake surrounded by big smooth rocks. Trees were standing tall, looking above everyone else. Their green splendor was dancing around with the wind in a subtle yet graceful way. Purple flowers were scattered below the trees, hiding from the intruders. It was marvelous.

I turned around to see Gale looking at me with that look. It made me feel complete, safe, it made me feel like I was somebody. It made me feel like I was important in this World. The way his eyes gazed at me made me felt important and valuable.

"Emma, Can I speak the truth?" He asked me.

The truth? Was I ready to hear the truth? Wants and Needs are diferent concepts. I may need something but may not want it. And it can go the other way around too. The truth may be beautiful or painful, and sometimes you aren't ready to hear it. Gale was looking at me, waiting for an answer. Although it had been a great month, something inside me told me I had to wait, just a little bit more... But his brown eyes were looking at me in a way nobody had ever looked at me and I could not refuse. 

"If you please, do it." I told him and smiled. He sighed contently and grabbed my hand once again.

"You know that last month my mother paid me to take you to eat, right?" Yes, yes I knew. He had told me. "She wanted this to happen."

What was this supossed to mean?

"I had a good time with you. You're one of those weird 'down to Earth' people you meet. You keep the judments to a minimum, you treat others with respect. I could list a million things about you that amaze me." One of his hands traveled to my face. "But..."

"I knew you had to have a but." I told him while smiling lightly. Gale always had a "but". He said nothing could be perfect in life.

"Indecisive, you keep important toughts to yourself, you contradict yourself most of the time... You don't know how to lose. You are too egocentric and, to be honest, sometimes I feel the urge to throw you to a pool full of pirahnas." He finished his speech while taking his hand away from my face. The air had turned too dense for me to breathe.

That was not was I was expecting from him. Isn't every girl's dream to recieve the confession of undying love in a beautiful place from Prince Charming? Isn't he supposed to say what I want to hear: the perfect words? Dissapointment reached maximum levels in my life at that moment.

"But..." He spoke again. In my chest my heart had started a race with my lungs to get out. "I couldn't bring myself to do that." He turned to look at me and smiled. Was it really going to happen?

"Why?" I dared to ask. He grinned.

"I would be charged with murder, obviously." He started laughing and my heart fell. My throat felt dry and my eyes were producing tears by their own. I was quick enough to wipe them away before he turned to me. There were Lilac flowers in his hand. "Do you know what Lilacs mean? They mean first love. So Emma, have a Lilac from me."

Now that was what I expected. The declaration of love every girl dreams about. Tears were falling again and I was laughing. He smiled at me and grabbed my face gently. Such a gentleman.

"Does that mean that I am your first love?" I asked him, our faces inches apart. His eyes sparkled playfully.

"It is the first time I have felt a deeper connection to someone. It is the first time I can say I love you, and when I say it I can feel that it comes from somewhere deep inside me." He told me. He pulled me closer to him. "I love you, Emma."

Three words. Eight letters. One big and magic feeling.

"I love you, Gale."

And as I told him so, he kissed me.

And as he kissed me I felt that I was somebody important in this planet.

And as I felt that I was important, I felt that he was important too.

And our souls started connecting with each other after admiting that they felt the strongest bond between them. Love. 

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