Basketball Game

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While I walked home from Kid's house I noticed that Death City is pretty creepy at night. I put on my headphones and listen to some techno music. As I walked I saw shadows. I would turn around but nothing was there. I would just keep walking forword.When I got to my house I opened the door slowly.

"Lily!" Teddie ran over and hugged me tightly. When I hugged him back I was kinda expeirmenting with Teddie's hugs and Kid's. Teddie's I expected to be just like Kid's but it was so different it felt like love but more like family which yeah thats what it was supposed to be but Kid's was so different. Just the touch made me fell warm and have such a lingering spark to it. I know weird. I threw that thought from my mind and focused on what was happening now.

"How was your visit to Patty's house!?" Teddie looked at me pleading that I knew something about Patty that he wanted to know.

"It was good." I responded as I sat down on my bed in my room.

"Did...she say anythig about me?" Teddie got really red. Awe....I did not want to say that she said nothing about him but I did not want to lie either.

"She said Hi Teddie" I said with a poliet smile on my face.

"Really!!!??" Teddie jumped up and down. That boy has been love struck oh dear. I laughed at his reaction to that.

"Okay, Teddie lets let Lily have her time alone." Zane came into my door way and leaned aganst it. He had a smile on his face. Teddie told me good night and left my room while Zane stayed.

"So how was it?" Zane came in and sat down on my computer chair and spinned around for a while.

"It was fine. why?"

"Just wondering..."

"yeah well I need to get to bed..." I sneaked under my covers and turned off my lamp.

"Okay, goodnight." Zane walked over to my bed and kissed me on the forehead like he used to do when I was little. I feel alseep.

I woke up and looked at my clock it was 10:34. I think I should go to the basketball court at 11. I got up and got dressed. I wore a shirt like hoodie that was red along with jeans. I had my hair straight and down (I hated my curls) I slipped on my normal tennis shoes and walked out my room.

"Hey" Zane was on the sofa eating some cerial.

"Good morning." I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some grapes from the fridge.

"Lily!!! I heard you and your friends are going to play basket ball! Can I come!!??" Teddie came in the kitchen eating some grapes too as he was talking.

"Oh..sure I guess they would want more people on their team." I looked at the time it was about 10:43. Then there was a knock at our door. I went over to open it.

"Hey!" Maka was at the door with Soul and Tsubaki.

"Oh hey guys." I let them into the house.

"So ready to go?" Soul sat down on my sofa and looked around the house.

"Yeah, and is it okay if Teddie came. He has been waiting for this for a while I guess." Soul turned to look at me and smiled.

"Sure we could use som back up players."

"Really!!!???" Teddie poped his head from his room with a huge smile.

"Sure it woud be nice to spend time with everyone there." Tsubaki laughed at Teddie's excitment.

"Well lets go!" Soul said as he got off the sofa.

We all walked to the court. I was a little nervous, but ready to take down anyone in my way! When I got there everyone was already there.

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