Dinner at Maka's house

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I was walking to school, it was earliy in the morning, and the sun was just coming up. The sky was a light pink. I was walking alone to school. Zane and Teddie where taking forever, so I left without them.

"Lily!" I turned around to see Maka with Soul. she was in the distance waving to me.

"Hey!" I waved back. she and Soul started to ran to me.When they did catch up to me they took deep breathes trying to calm themselves down from the long run.

"So!" Maka started. "How are you doing? Better?" I nodded. I figured that Zane had to explain to everyone what happend.

"Yes, much better." She smiled.

"Hey, Well tonight we are having everyone over at the house for dinner would you like to come?" Soul said cooly.

"Oh, really? wow, thanks I would love to come!" He smiled, so did Maka.We walked together to the school just talking about lessons and other things.

"Okay, so today..I thought it would be a great idea to have meisters and their weapons fight other meisters and weapons." Stein looked bored and wanted to see a fight. I shurgged he always has us fight each other.

"How about this week..we have Kid V.S. Lily" Everyone in the room gasped. I even had my mouth open. I looked over at Kid he was just as shocked as I was."Come on now! Lily, Kid, come to the fighting floor." I stood up really slowly. Zane and Teddie did too. Kid did the same with Liz and Patty.

"I just thought since you two seemed to be great friends it would be a great fight."Stein smiled. I gave him a death glare while I stood on one side of the room and Kid on the other side. I really did not want to hurt him or make him look bad and I know he feels the same, but Zane seemed perfectly fine with the idea of fighting Kid. He looked really ready. Teddie just shyly smiled toward Patty. I told Zane and Teddie to transform. They flipped in the air and turned into Katanas I caught them in the air and got into my fighting stance. Kid did the same. We waited for Stein's signal to attack. I looked nervously over at Kid. He seemed focused on beating me. I just pretended to be ready for what he had.

"Ready...set..GO!!" Stein yelled. Me and Kid charged at each other fast. He went to trip me, but I did a back flip and avoided the attack. He went to shot me, but I knelt down and swong my leg to his leg so he can fall and hit the ground backwards. When he did I pinned him down by putting my foot on his chest to hold him down and held Zane and Teddie to his neck. Without any warning he grabbed my waist to made us switch postions. I was now on the ground and he was holding Patty and Liz up to me. He started to put pressure on me. It did not hurt but I was going to take a chance by using that.

"Ow....Your really hurting me..." I said it lightly to where he could hear.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" He started to lighten up. Infact he pulled back Liz and Patty away from me. I laughed and tackled him. He looked at me with shock then he realized what I did.

"Hey!!" He yelled.

"Sorry, trying to win here!" I said running away from him so I could be as distant as possible. He started to shoot I did back flips, slides, jumpes, ducks, anything that could save me from getting hit by one. I heard that they hurt A LOT! I sliced him a few times and he shot me a few times. We got close to each other at times. He would give me a devilish smile when I got close,and when he got close I would just wink and slice him. This fight went on forever it seemed like.

"5..4..3..2..1..Stop!" I heard Stein say loudly. I was about to jump and slice Kid and he was about to flip backwords. We stopped cold. Frozen almost. Finally, I realxed and started to let out deep breathes. Kid did the same. I looked over at the students in the class room. They where at the edges of their seat almost as if this was the most exciting fight they have ever seen! Tsubaki was watching a little worried, Black*Star was flexing not even paying attention to what was going on. Maka and Soul where watching us as if studing us. I looked over at Stein. I wanted to know who won.

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