Dreams and Conffestions

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"I see your problem, but where do I come in?" I was at Stein's house sitting in his living room. He was ,of course, in his chair. I explained what was happening with my dreams and what I discovered about my necklace lately.

"I want to stay the night. I want to summon Kennith in my dreams, maybe even fight him, but I need you to watch over me. Study my dream." I needed to do this. I was very nervous. What if i couldn't do it? What if it was just nothing and just a waste of time? I wanted to become stronger by this though. I no longer want to be weak. No more tears, no more pain, just strength. Stein nodded his head understanding what was going on.

" I see. Well, lucky for you I might have what you need. Follow me" He wheeled himself to another room. I followed. When he stopped we where in a room full of electronics and other things, there was a steal bed in the middle of the room. In the background was a screen, a large screen.

"Here," He patted his hand on the steal bed. I jumped up on it and sat down. He went over to a closet and pulled out what looked like to me was a monitor with lots of wires that had sticky things on the end. I got worried. He saw my worried look and laughed a little.

"Don't worry there will be no pricking or anything that I can injected into your tiny body." He Wheeled himself over to me. He pulled out a little stand and put the monitor on it. Then he got out of his chair and went to a sink, and grabbed a cloth and put it under water. He came back over to me and told me to lay down. The steal was cold and very uncomfortable.

"Okay," He started as he rubbed the cloth on my forehead."I need you to relax and focus, I will put these wires on your forehead and when you sleep and have your dream I will see it on the screen from the monitor. If this is what you think it is then I will sure to see it and record it, it may leave clues to what you are looking for." I nodded.

"What if I'm wrong?" I sighed a little and looked at him. He stopped rubbing the cloth on my head and looked at me.

"Then try and try again." He smiled. I relaxed a bit and closed my eyes. He attached the wires to my forehead and turned on monitor. Nothing appeared on the screen. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He put a pillow under my head and a cotton blanket over me. As I had my eyes closed he instructed me what to do.

"Okay, now just relax breath easy. Start to think about him, your mom, anything that might trigger your dream. If anything happens I will wake you up. Remember its a dream, but you can very well get hurt. Stay calm at all times." I stared to think about my mom and anything thing that could trigger his presence in my dream. I felt a warmth suddenly come over my face. When I opened my eyes my necklace was glowing brightly. I smiled regaining the courage to keep going. If I had my necklace with me, I'm sure to be fine. I started to fall easily into sleep.

I was in a room. It was all white, nothing there, nothing alive. Then the white room turned into a forest. A forest in the middle of fall. The leaves on the ground started to swirl around me and the wind made small noises. it was very calming. though the wind made it cold it was still warm. I looked around at the beauty. I walked around the forest for a while and saw a stream. I started to touch the water and sit on the ground. As I played with the water I started to think hard to myself.

' come out Kennith, I know your here watching me. Come and see me ' I waited, then I saw a shadow reflect in the water. I stood up quickly and turned around. Kennith was right there. He looked no different from the last time I saw him.

"Well, well. Did someone miss me?" He laughed loudly and circled me.

"Barley." I said clenching my teeth tight.

"Awe, but I missed you." He said it so cold, I even felt the ice in his heart.

"I bet you did." I closed my eyes and balled my fists. He was still circling me, like I was his pray.

"Well, what did you need? Wanted to say ' Hi ' I believe was not what you wanted. Was is it to take revenge of your sweet mother? Please, this is a dream after all. Even in a dream you could not hurt me!"

"I wanted to get answers, because the next time we see each other it will be in a blood bath, I rather get my answers and then get my hands dirty." I looked at him with determined eyes. I shouldn't show fear!

"Oh, okay then. Ask away!" He stopped circling behind me.

"Why did you kill my mom?" He chuckled a little bit.

"She was in my way. She was the reason I was not growing strong enough, no..fast enough to become a Keshin!" He growled as the memory came to him.

"She did the right thing to stop you though! Why would you want to be such a horrid creature!" I turned around to look at him.

"The power! Its all about the power sweat heart!" He shook his head and made a tisk, tisk sound. "But honey, as young as you are you wouldn't understand the power I wanted, no,I needed the power! I could live without Death!! I could defy him! I could leave it all for power!" He laughed. " I had it all in my grasp! Then your pathetic mother came along being the spy that she is for the school and found out my true intentions of wanting to do more assignments alone. She got mad and upset and started to scold me. threatning to tell my plans, and you know what..she did!! I got kicked out! Jailed! Funny, though I escaped that hell hole of the school!! I left! I went to the Keshin! I became them!! I lived as a Keshin for a while, then I heard about your mother...so sweet she got a family, my best friend as a husband. A fairytale almost! It would of been horrible if someone just happened to take apart that story book, by taking the main character!!" He laughed with anger. I felt my self boil up anger as well. I tried to control it but it was so hard not to go off and punch him. I just held my fists together and closed my eyes.

"I did not personally do the job, but when it was done it was done. My hands are clean of her death." He shrugged.

"Who..who do you work with?" I said it bitterly.

" The Keshin of course." He looked down at my necklace noticing it for the first time. He smiled. "Oh, there you are..." He tried to grab it but I backed away.

"Don't even think about it..." I gave him a glare.

He straighten up and smiled. " I did not want your mom dead for just the revenge..I wanted that too." He pointed to my necklace. " It's of great power. Your mother was very protective of it. I know only bits and pieces, but I saw it in action once or twice I know what it can do." He smiled at it then he lunged for it I flipped back ward and landed light.

"I was looking for it for a while! I knew she had it! But when the man I hired to do the job brought back nothing I knew it was gone. I should have figured you'd end up with it." He lunged quickly and grabbed me by my hair. I squirmed in his tight grip. He slowly made his way to my necklace when I elbowed him in the stomach. He lighten his grip and I quickly turned around and punched him in the face as he bent down in pain. He flew backwards and fell to the ground. He started to lift himself up. I ran and was about to kick him in the face when he grabbed my foot in mid air. He held it there smiling. I grunted and he twisted my leg. I yelped in pain. I twisted my body to the direction of how he twisted my leg and kicked him with my other leg in the face. He let go and I fell to the ground and so did he. I got up. and He did too. Neither one of us moved he just stood there, staring at each other.

"I hope you got your answers. I will see you soon, and when I do it will be the last time you see light." He laughed and then him and the forest faded away as if the wind carried them off.


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