Talk of the Celebration

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I was sitting at my desk in the classroom in the middle of one of Stein's lessons. I usually never listened to them cause I was taught everything I really needed to know by him. I sighed and started to draw a little. I was making little drawings like a girl at a cemetery. I had her head down looking at a tomb stone in the rain. It was simple, I did not do it cause I was sad. I did it cause it just came to me. I know really dark and all, but I just draw what I think of. classes ended and I was packing my stuff when Liz came up to my desk.

"Hey, ready to go?" Patty was right behind her.

"Oh, yeah sure." I got up and walked with her to the mall once more. Lets just say it was way better then being dragged.

We arrived at the mall and went to some stores. I was getting tired. Then I saw a skateboard shop.

"Want to go into that dress shop!" Patty was pointing to a shop that was across the skatebording shop.

"You guys can go I want to go to this one." I turned my head to the shop. Liz nodded.

"Okay, we can meet her in a little bit." We both sepreated and when into our shops. When I enterd the store it looked awesome! It had all kinds of skateboards here. I was looking at a few and noticed this really cool white and black skateboard. The main was white and the little designs where black.

"Would you like to see this new one" The store clerk pointed to the one I was admiring.

"Oh, yes please." I nodded and he got it out.

"It just came in. It is probably one of the best skateboards in this shop! See the wheels are sturdy and can take on anything!" I loved it

"Whats the price?" I did not have much money, but I could at least find out how much it was.

"$108" My jaw dropped! I can't afford that all I had was a 50. I sighed.

"Oh, dear." I looked down.

"..maybe we can bargin."he smiled at his thought. I looked up.

"What are you good at?" He looked at me wondering my skills. I thought for a moment then a light went off in my head.

"My dad is an inventor! I can fix some of your broken skateboards and paint them for the skateboard!" He thought for a moment.

"Well, lets see your skills girly." He went to the back of the store and got a broken skateboard and some tools. He also had a bucket of paint and a paint brush.

"Fix this one." He handed everything to me. I set them on the counter.

"Well the wheels are broken off and the wood is really messed up." I took out some tools and went to work. I fixed the wheels on the skateboard and sanded the wood down to it was smooth agian. I painted the board a light blue. Then I got a nother paint bucket and painted a little designs of green. It was really nice. He watched me carefully and nodded. When I was done I looked up at him and handed him the board.

"There ya go!" I smiled. He turned the board upside down and looked at the wheels. Then he put it on the ground and actually road on it in the store. It did not break. He got off it and picked it up.

"Your hired to fix my boards til you get your skateboard missy!" He held out a hand and I shook it! I really liked working on the board he gave me so I was happy. Plus I can pay off my skateboard I wanted! I left the store. He told me to come on the days I was free and that If there was any problems go to him so I could let him know when I was going to be there. Liz was waiting for me with Patty.

"Okay, are you ready?" I smiled and nodded.

"Oh Lily, want to come over tonight to help me with my dress and everything?"

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