The unexpected Visit

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"wakes ups. wakes ups. wakes ups" I felt something poke my cheek with every word said. I also felt someone small sitting ontop of me. I rolled over and it fell the same way I rolled.

"Nos..." I said as I fell back asleep.

"Lily!" I heard a little girl say a little annoyed.

I opened my eyes to a little red head girl. She has very pretty brown eyes and she looked to be about 5. She has dimples when she smiled.

"Mary?" I rubbed my eyes just incase I was going crazy and seeing things.

"Yes, yes!" She got off me and pulled the covers. She grabbed my arm and pulled as hard as her arms could pull. "Ups! Ups!" she grunted a little and then gave up.

"Mary!" I got out of bed and picked her up and hugged her tight."What are you dong here sweetie? Is everthing at home okay?" She started to pull away from my tighting grip.

"Your daddy brought me! He's here!" I started to slowly let her down. why was he here? I looked at her confused.

"Oh, really?" I looked at my door then back to her.

"Lily...." Mary said very lightly.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"Can you make me something to eat?" She patted her stomache to show how hungery she was. I smiled and grabbed her small hand.

"Yes, sweetie." We walked out my room and into the kitchen. My dad was on the sofa and my brothers where around him. My dad looked up and smiled at me.

"Hello, Lily" He said it lightly as if there was still someone in the apartment asleep.

"Hi, Daddy..." I was still half asleep, but I fought my urge to go back to bed.I started to make some eggs just the way Mary liked them. I set her plate down on the counter.. She started making grabbing motions to the plate. I smiled to her and brung the plate down further so she can eat them. She sat happily on a chair eating her eggs. I sat  across my father.

"Why are you here?"

"Is it wrong for a father to miss his daughter and sons?" He said it with a laugh.

"No, but a little heads up might of been nice."

"I wanted it to be a surprise." He smiled. I just shrugged. "I also thought you might miss this little girly, so I brought her." I looked over at Mary she was laughing too. Her red curls bounced around once in a while.

"Okay, I have training, I hope Zane and Teddie told you about it." I looked over at them. Zane just sat back in his chair and sighed. Teddie smiled and went over to Mary to play with her.

"Yes, they did. I have meet Death's son before so I can trust him." I looked up in a little shock.

"Oh, really?" I was a little confused of when they met.

"Well, I am a close friend of Lord Death sweet heart, I believe you have met him when you two where  young. Don't you rememeber?" I thought back to my past, But nothing came to me. Did me and Kid meet when we where little?

"We did? I don't recall."

"Yes, you where just starting your training and Lord Death made contact with me. Kid was just learning how to fight." He smiled at his thought. Then shook it away.

"Now, you better be going. You don't want to miss training." I got up and went to my room. A little while later I was packing some stuff when my door slightly opened.

"...Lily...." I heard Mary come in and sit on my bed.

"Yes, sweetie" I was still focused on packing, but was paying attention to her.

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