Chapter 1

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"Aishhhh who would call someone so early in the morning it's only " you yelled and you picked up your phone under you pillow to check "10:00am". you widen your eyes , " I missed the call " as you hit your head with your hands " y/n-ah , you are the most clumsiest person."
You sat up on your bed opening your email to see a big ' DISQUALIFIED'.
"Why it's like the 10th time now , how can they do this to me , huh!"
Do they know who y/n is "you cried.

You woke to hand hovering over your eyes " oppa?"

Taehyun:Aren't you gonna get up now my hands are hurting or should I let the sun sting your face.

Y/n:No , I'm getting up!! You said as you rubbed your eyes.

Taehyun: Mom and dad aren't back as yet and I couldn't make breakfast so I'll send a something with the driver for you , I'm going .

Y/n:Don't send anything I'll be going out for a walk . You shouted from upstairs.

You took a deep breath in after the thought that you wanna live a normal life , you don't want maids rushing up to you "here's your breakfast ma'am , here's your clothes ma'am , I'll drive you ma'am " it's just too frustrating because everyday it's just "ma'am, ma'am ma'am" you got mad and fling the pillow across the room.

I really need to find to job so I can get away from all of this. If I work at my fathers company they'll be there walking behind me and everywhere I go and sign up I get disqualified .

"Oh god what to do?"

After finishing your morning routine you left without anyone noticing.
You took a taxi downtown and went [cafe name] . Next to the cafe is a playground you would normally steal glances and giggle seeing the other kids playing as you peep from the glass in front of you.

 Next to the cafe is a playground you would normally steal glances and giggle seeing the other kids playing as you peep from the glass in front of you

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because it reminded you of your childhood best friend. He died in a plane crash with his were 11 years old at the time and he was 12 and today is his birthday so you came here because it reminds you of your friend.His name was [insert name].

Time Skip
You were on your way home when your phone started ringing "Ahh why is she calling me now "

BF/N:" y/n-ah are you still looking for a job ?"

Y/N:"Yes I am , why?"

Bf/n: "actually I'm giving up my place being a receptionist , I dong wanna do that anymore it tiring "

Y/N:" who was crazy over being receptionist in school , huh?"

Bf/n:"Don't remind of those days I was clearly crazy and I'll send you the email where you can apply ."

*says in mind *" it's only her timing of calling is wrong , it's not like I wasn't gonna answer or maybe i wasn't , ahh I'm such a bad person"

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