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"Ooh, Jenna," Ashton sang while dragging out the A in my name.

"What do you want from me?" I asked. It really sucks that I have first period with this guy. Worst thing to start off my mornings.

"Hey, Jenna what sport do you play?" He asked ignoring what I just said. I sighed and decided to answer him.

"I play basketball," he looked impressed and put his arm around me. I shrugged his arm off and he laughed.

"Jenna, do you hate me?" He asked while picking up a rock and trying to draw with it like chalk. Wow, does he like to keep changing topics.

"Well, I don't hate you. You're just annoying," I said. It's true he's annoying, but I don't hate people unless they've done something really bad to me.

"So, you love me then?" He smirked and looked up at me. I rolled my eyes at him and gave him a little shove. "No, I don't love you, god damn." He chuckled lowly and continued to pester me with questions.

"Well, you either love me or hate me," he said. This guy just never stops. I really don't understand why it takes so long for our gym teacher to take role. Okay, what the hell he's not even here yet.

"I don't hate you, but I don't love you either," I saw that Mr. Shoffley was coming up the stairs and thank god he was finally here or I would've shot myself any second. Someone called for Ashton, and the two were in a conversation about Kate Upton's boobs from what I could hear.


It was the end of the day and I was sitting on the ground waiting to be picked up. My phone rang and checked to see my mom calling,"Hey, Jenna. Can you walk to the same spot I dropped you off this morning?"

"Yeah, sure. I'm making my way there now," I answered. We both hung up as I cross the parking lot to the tables near the music center. I sat down on the dull, gray and rounded table to wait for my mom. Footsteps were getting louder and heavier, so I looked up to see someone very familiar.

"Hi," I greeted since he kept looking at me.

He seemed to be thinking of something before he finally said something. "Uh, hey," he said in a confused tone. "Sorry, you just look really familiar," he said.

I smiled and nodded,"Yeah, we have PE together. You're Michael, right?" His face lit up with recognition and nodded.

"Right, now I remember," he smiled back.

"Who can forget who you are, especially with your fiery, red hair," I commented. His hair was a hot red color. Not gonna lie, but it was hot.

Get it? Wow, I'm lame.

He laughed," Haha yeah." He looked like he was gonna start a conversation when he opened his mouth to speak. "Anyway, do you like Ashton?" I made an annoyed look.

"Are you serious, right now? I don't freaking like him," This put my mood down and I'm so done with anything that involves Ashton.

"Are you sure? Just tell me, do you like him?" He just wouldn't drop the subject, but I was saved right when my mom pulled up into a parking spot for me to get in whenever I was ready.

"I don't like him, I swear to god. Look, hey I gotta go though, so bye I guess," I replied. He waved a goodbye to me and I climbed into my car. Thank god for my mom, I was about to burst there. I sighed and told my mom about everything that happened today leaving out the stuff with Ashton and Michael.

My mind wandered off and thought about my encounter with Michael. Seriously though, he popped out of nowhere and started talking to me about Ashton. What, was he supposed to find out and tell Ashton about it? They're both so weird and it sucks that I have to sit in between those two for role call in PE.

My mind swirled around with different thoughts and I decided to sleep it off.

Hey guys! How's the story so far? I just wanted to write this because the story between Jenna and Ashton is based on me and this guy and I thought it was a good idea for a fanfic haha:)

Follow me on twitter!@regina_carmela

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