Chapter 15

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School went by quick I'm officially done with classes all it is to the next two days is rehearsals for graduation

Michael was suppose to take me to dinner but he texted saying he couldn't so like any other day I'm walking home

When I look up I notice a familiar car

Luke ... But he wasn't alone all I could see is him kissing another girl

I don't know why it bothered me it made me mad but not jealous mad .. It's complicated

I continued walking until I got home , everything was lonely mom was probably at work and genesis was probably at Calums

I went up to my room and opened my laptop , I haven't checked Facebook in a few days . Nothing new the same boring people doing the same thing

"1 new friend request"

I clicked it

"Roberto hemmo"

Who the hell is this?

I clicked on his page and it was private his face was covered up with his hand

I examined the small picture carefully

The quiff

The dimple you could see

And part of his lip ring

... Luke

I immediately approved him and messaged him "Robert huh?"

I smiled and decided to stalk his page for a few minutes

I noticed a few pictures of him 99% of them were at parties

Girls on his back, arms and on him

He parties a lot yes but what kid our age doesn't?

One picture grabbed my attention it looked like a crew

I noticed that one guy who kissed me the other day , Ashton I think that was his name

He was shirtless his hair messy his charming smile

Next to him was Luke

Looking slightly awkward but hot

Next to Luke was Wesley

My Wesley, all changed his body toned as ever, his charming smile his surfer hair his piercings he looked great!

The other guys in the picture is don't recognize they all seemed intimidating to me and it scared me in a way

I logged off and realize a few minutes turned into a few hours

I checked my phone and replied to a few texts

"Fwd: senior Bon fire today at Venice at 8pm!"

Looks like I'm going out!

I checked my clock and it was 5:30pm

Decided to call Michael

"Hey babe sup , did you get the text?"

"Yeah!! Are you going to go?"

"Yeah you want me to pick you up?"

"Yeah' sounds good!"

"Alright I'll be done at around 7:30 so I will pick you up bye babe "

I hanged up and went downstairs


I walked in the kitchen and mom was cooking

"Hey mom I'm going out tonight"

"Hey honey, yes you can go thank you for asking permission"

I laugh "can I go?"

"Where and with who?"

I showed her the text "Michael says he's picking me up at 7:30"

She nodded and serve three plates and set them at the table

"Alright then but text me when you get there and when you get home let me know"

I nodded "thanks!"

"No problem now sit and eat"

I obeyed

My sister walked down the stairs and sat down, we all catched up on everything in our lives and bonded

I cleaned the table and genesis washed the dishes

I rushed upstairs and sat in my desk

It's time to do this speech

I thought of a million things to say but nothing seemed to convince me

I threw about 40 flash cards and finished one and a half

By the time i gave up it was 7:20pm

I rushed to change and freshen up

I herd Michael honking and I looked out the window

He was getting down walking inside the house laughing

I grabbed my purse and rushed downstairs

"How many times do I have to tell you Michael you do not honk at my daughter she is a lady!"

My mom was lecturing Michael

"I'm sorry mom it was just to let her know I was here" he says

My mom starts talking to him in Spanish , Michael hugs her and kisses her cheek

I pull him outside "bye mom"

"Bye honey have fun!" She says

We both got in a car and drive off

"I hate when your mom speaks Spanish to me it feels like I get in trouble" he laughs

"I'm sorry babe"

"It's okay babe , I love when you speak Spanish to me though it's so sexy" he bites his lip

I playfully slap him and laugh

My phone starts ringing I Check the caller and it's Anna

"Hey banana !"

"Dude where have you been!? Whatever doesn't matter are you coming?"

"Uh yeah me and Michael are on our way!"

"Great! I'll introduce you to my soon to be boyfriend"

"New boy huh?"

"Something like that"

We both laugh "alright see you in a bit"

I hanged up

Anna has been sneaking around with this guy for the last few weeks

Michael turns on the radio and we both sing to songs

Funny songs , sad songs any type of songs even if we hate it that's what I love about us we can act silly with each other

We arrive and the parking lot is crowded Michael finds a spot

"Michael.." I say

"Yeah babe?"

"I love you " I turn to him

He smirks and kisses me "I love you so much baby girl"

His breath smells like alcohol but I let it go

We both get off the car and that's when the night begins

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