Chapter 53

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We were waiting in the hospital waiting room, they didn't let me go in with Michael everyone kept telling me to calm down it'll affect the baby
But I can't help it I just want him to be okay

Michaels parents , Niall , the race crew and myself were in the room waiting , the nurses said that the doctor will be out soon with news but it's been 2 fucking hours

Niall brings me another bottle of water and a muffin "you have to eat atleast something I see you munching in at practice so "

I take the stuff and just stare at it , I place it down and grab my phone , I completely forgot about letting my parents and Genesis know

I stand up and head to the end of the hall

I dial my moms number
"Mom?" My voice cracks
"Jackie what's wrong !?"
"Mom" I break down crying
"Jackie Jackie talk to me honey what's wrong?"
"Mom... Michael had an accident he's at the hospital mom I don't know what to do" I cry
"Oh my god dear I'll be there soon which hospital are you in?!"
"I don't know uh the one near downtown" I sob
"Okay baby stop crying please it's not good for the baby I'll be there soon"
"Can you please call dad and tell him"
"Sure thing , I love you honey it'll be fine he will be okay "
She hangs up

I gather myself before dialing Gens number

Genesis POV
"Calum no!" I laugh
He keeps tickling me on the couch
Ashton and Luke just stare at us emotionless

My phone rings and I push Calum off
"Timeout" I laugh again
He sits up , I grab my phone and click answer
"Hellooooo?" I say in my playful voice
The other end is quite "Genesis?" It's Jackie, she's been crying
I slowly sit up "what's wrong ?"
"Michael he - he was and then he but why and -" she breaks down crying
I quickly stood up "Jackie calm down you're scaring me what's wrong !? "
Everyone quites down and stares at me
"He got into an accident while racing and he's really bad and I don't want to lose him Genesis I don't " she starts crying
It always broke my heart to see her cry but Michaels part of the family especially now that he was going to be a dad
My eyes start to water and I look at everyone
"What happened is she okay!?" Luke asks
"Babe what's wrong ?" Calum asks
"What's happening damn it !" Ash says
"What hospital are you in? I'll be there right now " I grab my keys and head out not caring about anything else
"One near downtown " her voice cracks
I turn around and see the boys following me
I quickly get into the elevator and they get in with me
I cry a little "Jackie listen to me I'm on my way but please calm down it's going to be alright I promise , just please stop crying you're making me cry and it's not good for the baby" I wipe my tears away
"I can't ! What if I lose him I don't want to lose him Gen he's my best friend I love him"
"I know and he loves you too but just please please calm down and drink water okay?"
She doesn't say anything
"I'll see you right now"

I hang up
"Calum lets go" I quickly get in my car
"What's happening !?" Luke yells
Calum gets in the car he knows not to ask anything right now
"Luke stay here I'll tell u later " I quickly drive off and head to the freeway
I explain everything that Jackie told me to Calum

Jackies POV
I finally ate the muffin after Niall asked me about 300 times , all I want to do is be with Michael
"Jackie! Jackie!" My parents run in
I put everything down and run to both of them and start sobbing
They both shush me and tell me it's going to be okay
How many times do I have to hear that today
"What happened ?" Dad asks
Genesis and Calum come running , they spot us and Gen practically jumps on me both of us hugging each other tight , we both cry our eyes out
After breaking the hug with her I hug Calum and try to calm down

I turn around and see Niall staring at me with sorry eyes
I wipe my tears away
Niall walks toward me and my family and hugs me a little
My family eyes him up and down
"I'm Niall.. Niall Horan I signed Michael to my race car organization" he says
"So it's your fault he's like that?" Gen crosses her arms
"No no! Definitely not!"

"So what happened ?" Calum asks

"Do you want me to?" Niall asks me , I nod
Niall explains everything , I can't hear this I can't kill the image out of my head
I walk away and go to the front desk again

"hi do you have any news on Michael Clifford?"

the nurse rolls her eyes "ma'am i told you more than 60 times we still dont have any news"

"its been fucking hours what the hell are they doing to my boyfriend!!!" i yell

Michaels mom rushes to me and hugs me "my baby is going to be okay dont worry" shes lying to herself

my family turns to me and looks at me with sympathy

I dont know what to do im stuck here without being able to help Michael and its killing me

i go for a walk, i roam around hospital hallways and bump into someone

"so-Jackie?" i male voice says

i slowly looked up and there stands Luke

"oh my god Jackie are you ok?" he leans down on me

i stare at him blankly all my energy went to yelling at everyone for Michaels accident and crying

if i talk to Luke Michael would be mad and I dont want that

"jackie talk to me what happened?"

i walk passed him but he grabs my arm "jackie talk to us whats wrong?" Ashton asks "wheres Michael?"

Michael.... his name is the only thing that took to break me , i lean on the wall and slide down crying

"oh god" Luke rushes to my side and hugs me , i cant help but cry into his arms

his hand travels to my back and rubs it "Jackie you shouldnt be crying come on now think about the baby" he leans my head up to face him

his face is full of worry, i nod and stand up

"what are you guys doing here?" i slowly speak

"we heard when you called Genesis but we dont know what happened we were worried so we followed her"

"I thought something happened to you! i was worried sick Jackie you dont understand"

I nod my body still feels numbed

Ashton doesnt like me and i know it, Luke isnt the same with me anymore but he still cares

"I-I have to go "

"Jackie what happened?" Luke asks

i look down and tell them the whole story, suprisingly i didnt break down again

Both boys were shocked and showed sympathy but i didnt need that I didnt need anything all i need is for Michael to be okay

I walked away from the guys and begged them not to go to the waiting room we were in because Michaels parents were there including mine and I didnt want problems

fortunately they agreed

after another hour of waiting a doctor finally comes out

"family of Michael Clifford?"

i quickly rush "me oh my god me im hi girlfriend me!" everyones followed behind me

"Michael hasnt woken up, he hit his head and lost alot of blood, he suffered 3rd degree burnings as well, theres a 50% chance he wont make it the other 50% chance is if he makes it he will have problems such as paralyzed, memory loss and such"

"I dont care just save him please!"

the doctor nods "We will try our best"

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