Chapter 30

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Next morning was quite, Luke didn't even turn to look at me and I honestly didn't know how to feel about that.

I got ready and didn't even bother with breakfast

Michael picked me up

"So it's today, finally out of this hell hole" he says as he closed his empty locker

"Yeah I'm so nervous for today what if I mess up my speech or trip"

"You'll be fine" he puts an arm around me and walks me to my class

He stops in front and kisses my forehead

"See you in a bit " he says

I nod and walk inside to my seat

The teacher gives an emotional speech saying how proud she is of us and what not

She takes role and let's us go
I quickly rush to her and hug her thanking her for everything


Second period ends which means seniors can go home already, on graduation day we just rehearse one time and they let us go

Michael drops me off to Calums and drives off

I wish Michael and I were sitting together but his last name starts with a C and mine starts with a V which sucks

I quickly make my way up to Calums and dial my house phone

I have to suck it up I just really hope they go to my graduation

It send and straight to voicemail
"Hi you reached the Vasquez residence leave A message and we will call you back!"

I sigh

"Mom , dad .. It's jackie uh I just wanted to remind you that today is my graduation at 6 I really hope to see you guys there... And I'm sorry if I ever let you down .. Yeah uh I love you guys bye"

I hang up and close my eyes

"You okay?" I turn around and see Calum standing there

I nod "yeah I just had to make a call"

He sends me a sympathy smile
"They'll be there they won't miss your graduation, but uh you forgot one thing "

"What's that " I force a small smile

"I hate saying this but your parents are divorced you have to make two calls not just one " he awkwardly says

"Oh .. Yeah ... I forget sometimes "

Calum hugs me tight " you know I consider you my sister so I'm really sorry for what you're going through right now "

"Thanks cal... I love you a lot" I smile

"Don't mention it "

"Wheres Genesis anyways?" I ask

"Oh she went home last night and I think she's at school right now but she said she would come before you leave so we can all ride together "

I nod "well ill go take a nap then "

"Yeah okay I left some food on the microwave since you didn't eat "

"Thank you" I smile and walk in

"Hey Calum so wh..." Luke notices it's me and rolls his eyes and puts his attention back to the tv

"Calum just left" I say

He doesn't answer

I walk inside the kitchen and sure there's Ashton eating

"Hii" I smile
"Sup, ready for later?" He asks with a full mouth

I check the microwave and it's empty ...

"Yeah, hey do you know what happened to the food in the microwave? Calum just said he left me food here" I say

He swallows "oh I'm eating it , was it yours?" He asks

"Uh yea"
"Oh well uh yeah" he shrugs and continues eating

I roll my eyes and walk out "dick!" I yell and walk out the condo and down the street

McDonald's ., no ...
Chipotle... No...
Chinese... No...

I sigh and walk to a burger place
I order take out and wait
I dial michaels number

"Hey " he says
"Everything okay?"

Why does he always ask that? Is something suppose to be going wrong for me to call him?
"Yeah I'm just waiting for my food , Ashton ate my food so I had to come get some food"
"Why would he eat your food?"
"Because he's a dick"

"Do you want me to take you somewhere?"
"Jackie!" The girl gives me my order
"No I just got my order " I thank her and walk out "what's are you doing ?"
"Im out at some kids store buying Michelle something to wear today "
"Awww buy her a nice dress or something that matches you that'd be nice"
"That's cheesy as hell"
"We dressed up as twins once at school you didn't think it was cheesy"
"I actually did "
"Whatever" I laugh

"Well I'll call you later im taking her to try on some dresses"

"Alright have fun"
"I won't" he laughs

We both hang up , once I look up I notice a familiar blonde hair ...Anna

Walk away walk away!
Wait ... I froze
She was holding hands with a tall figure
A little too familiar



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