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I've learned
That one way or another
Everyone will hurt you
They will tear you up
Piece by piece
Your mother
Because she called you special
When you knew you weren't
Your father
Because he left
Thought the streets were better than
You friends
Because they didn't see the slowly melting away pounds
When you got skinnier and skinnier
Letting your self go hungry
They complemented you
Even though
The bags under your eyes grew
And your eyes became cold and dead
Your teachers
Because they ignored
Your jokes
Of killing yourself
Assuming you were just kidding
That you soul wasn't starving
Waiting for someone to feed it
Your therapist
Because they are supposed
To know when you aren't telling them
But they can't tell
It's a blunt lie
You smile a bit
And act okay
They believe it
They don't care
Without that check they wouldn't
Be there
Your bullies
Because you blame them for the cuts
Digging deep into your arms
Because they are the cause
Of your starving
Calling you fat
Every chance they get
Even when you're nothing but
A pile of bones
And skin
You have dairy of calories
You have a arm of scars
You have a broken soul
You are your greatest enemy
Both keeping you alive
And killing
Your thoughts evil tyrants
Both to die and to live
You hate your heart
Physical not metaphorical
For pumping blood through your veins
I've learned everyone
Will hurt me
One way are another
And there is no way to stop it

The silent screams of hollow children Where stories live. Discover now