Chapter 6

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Ok I'm sorry here is 6


Ariana's pov~

Why does my brother have to be so nosy, me and y/n were about to kiss. And now I'm here at the door trying to get Frankie to leave. "What are you hiding" he started to walk inside the house more and I know if he sees y/n he's going to embarrass me.

I've told Frankie about y/n, more like rambled about her but either way going to say something. "Nothing, I'm not hiding anything now leave, shoo, bye" I say trying to push him out the door but he gets past me takes few steps and stops to look at me. "So if I go in further and look around there isn't going to me something or someone"

"No Frankie, now leave" I wined. I really didn't want him to mess up me and y/n's relationship even more. "Fine fine, I'll go" Frankie said while walking out the door.

"Finally" I sigh to myself after the door closes. Walking back into the livingroom I see that y/n wasnt there. She must've got up to look around. I walked up stairs and looked in my room first to see her looking at a painting on the wall. "You like it" I say startling her a little bit in the process. "Yeah, its wonderful" "my grandfather gave it to me". I turn my head from the painting to look at y/n, more like admire her. "Here follow me, I want to take you somewhere" I say grabbing her hand and that's was it. A tingling sensation that went from my fingertips all the way down to my toes. I could tell she felt it too because she stiffened slightly or maybe it's just from shock of me holding her hand. Either way it felt so right, her hand in mine like its suppose to be that way.

We got in my car and I started driving to one of my favorite places in the world. "Where are you taking me Ari" she asks but I just ignore her and keep driving. "Ariiii" she whined trying to get me to talk. "Why'd you have to be so cute, its impossible to ignore". I look over to her to see her blushing and she turned her head for me not to see.

Sooner or later we got to a big hill that hides a smaller one. I reach in the backseat and grab one of my hoodies and give it to her. "It's pretty cold outside" she takes the hoodie from me and says thank you and puts it over her body which is quite muscular might I add. I get out the car followed by y/n and started heading up the hill. One we got to the top I started to fake being tired so y/n could hold me. "You tired" she asked. "Yes" I replied hoping she would pick me up and carry me the rest of the way. "Where are we going" I pointed to the spot we were head to and looked at y/n. "Ok I'll see you there" she says while walking down the hill. "Y/N"

"I'm joking" she said while laughing and she comes towards me turns around in front of me and squats down so I can get on her back for a piggyback ride. I jump on her back and wrap my arms around her neck while she graps my legs and stands up straight. "Your so tall" I say while laughing. "Your so short" she replies making me slap her on the shoulder lightly. I then lay my head on her back and close my eyes enjoying this moment as long as I can. "We're here m'lady" y/n says while slowly putting me down and turning around. I pout at the lost of contact but soon smile when I look at the view.

"This place is really special to me you know."  She looks down and me and ask "yeah, why is that?" "Well one: it was the place my grandfather whould take me before he died and two: now that your here with me it's even more special"

I looked up to see her smile and blush. She's so beautiful. "Why thank you, but I can think of something even more beautiful" she says clearly using my own words against me and it worked. I was blushing. I wraped my arms around her neck getting on my tippy toes and pulling her down slightly. We both start to lean in, its finally happening!

"Y/N?" I hear someone shout from the top of the hill. Me and y/n separate once again and I turn around to see who caused us not to kiss. It was a tall boy with no shirt on and joggers. "We need to go" y/n suddenly says and I turn to her confused. "And why is that" I asked, I didn't want to leave. She picked me up bridal style and started to walk a different but longer path to the car. I looked behind us to see the person running towards us.

Once he got close enough he said her name again. She put me down and turned around whilst putting me behind her. "What do you want" she spat at him with much venom in her voice. "To talk to you obviously" he replies then he looks at me. "Your going to introduce me to your little friend"? "Why would I" she was starting to turn red from anger so took her hand and stroked my thumb up and down to help calm her down. "I'll do it myself then, hi I'm Jason y/n's boyfriend"

Boyfriend? My face saddens when I hear that word, no if she doesn't like him that cant be true. "Ex-boyfriend " she corrected and my face brightened with hope then anger. "Not for long" he said smirking. "We're going to leave now" she say now facing towards me now. "See you later"

See...longer chapter already

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