Chapter 16

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Well well well, what do we got here. A person actually reading this book...that is quite surprising. But as you know i must ruin the fun. Hahahahahaha..*chokes on fly*....

Sorry about was kinda weird but uhh yeah, chapter 16!?!

Your pov~

I took a uber to Ariana's house because I'm to lazy to drive and I get a good pay from my job. But just my luck it started to rain, I quickly ran to the door and pounded on the door. Nothing.

After a couple of minutes of being soaking wet the door finally opened to a sleepy Ariana. "Oh my god, what happened, and how long have you been out here" she asked very worried. "Don't worry about it I'm fine now" I said with a smile on my face. "Let's get you out of the rain" she replied putting her hands on my shoulders and directed me inside the house upstairs to her room.

"You are going to take a bath while I wash your clothes, ok?" I looked down at her and smiled, "yeah." I went into her bathroom, started the bath water, and striped out of my clothes. Opening the door I slide my hand with my clothes in it. I felt my clothes out of my hand and slid it back in closing the door shortly after and locking it.

Time skip to after the bath..

Ariana's pov~

After Y/n took a shower we both sat on the bed to talk. "Ok, now tell me what happened" I said. "Well I dont remember much really, all I know is I was walking and all of a sudden this boy stole my phone" she started off. "Then I chased after him, one thing lead to another and car ran over my phone." That explains why she wasn't answering me.

"You caught the boy that stole it though right? And turned him into the police" I asked and she scratched her neck nervously. "Umm actually, I let him go" she said, "then I woke up today, I really dont know what happened the rest of the night to be honest" she finished. "The rest of the night? Y/n you've been gone for 4 days" I slightly yelled frustrated from not knowing what happened to my baby while she was gone.

I started to cry and I felt Y/n pat my back, "no babe dont cry, we're gonna figure what happened soon ok, I'm sure it isn't anything bad ok?" I could help but to feel better at what she said and asked "you sure" "one hundred percent, now how about we do a Harry Potter marathon and snuggle up with some popcorn. Does that sound good baby" she asked and I nodded my head in reply. "Ok I'll get the popcorn and you set up the movie." I did just as she said and she came back with the popcorn in a bowl.

The movie started and I snuggled up on her chest. She lowly chuckles at my action and starts playing with my hair. Tuning out the movie I stated to think about the past weeks and how amazing it was with her.

I look up her to see her watching the movie. She chuckles again and ask "what" "nothing its just" I sit up to look at her in her eyes "I really like you" I finished. "I like you too" she says, I look down at her lips and back up into her eyes. I lick my lips and slowly lead forward stopping a centimeter away feeling her hot minty breath on my lips.

My lips finally touch with hers and it feels magical. I push her down on the bed and lay on top of her deepening the kiss. My tongue slide on her bottom lip asking for entrance and she gladly accepts letting me explore every inch of her mouth. I slowly bring my hands up abdomen under her shirt and I feel her shiver below me. Losing my breath I pull away from the kiss and start kissing down her neck, i hear a light moan come from her mouth as i reached her sweet spot.

Ok ok, I think that's enough for this chapter.
Hoped you enjoyed and if you did go ahead and hit that subscri- I mean for the chapter. Also.. sorry if it sucked, I'm still not that good at writing😖

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