My Imagination's Too Creative

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Ariana's pov~

I'm in the waiting room at the hospital with my mom and Nonna waiting for the doctor to come out of the room not to far from us. I'm still in shock to what happened but when the doctor walks into the room I snap out of it and stand up.

"Well, your lucky you brought her when you did because a few seconds later and she would've be gone" he said to us with a comforting smile. How can he smile about that, that's nothing to smile about. Seeing none of us smiling, he clears his throat.

"Anyways, shes doing fine now, she is not awake but should be waking up soon" he says looking at his papers on the clipboard he has in his hand. I just want to wrap this up so I can see my girlfriend.
"And she is going to have to take some medicine, the bullet hit a nerve so she might not beable to move something" he continues but I dont listen to the rest. I cant stop thinking about how my father can do this to me. On top of that what does that bitch want from Y/n.

"So if that does happen please call us immediately" the doctor finishes off pulling al the papers back down to lay down flat in the clipboard with a smile.
"So we can see her" I asked in a hopeful tone. I just want to be in her arms.

"Yes, yes you can but one person at a time" he said. He was about to say something else but I didnt listen because I ran off to her room.

Finally making it to the room number, I open the door closing it after going inside. I turn the corner and see my baby laying in the hospital bed. I cover my mouth with my hand to muffle the cries comming out.

This is all my fault

In My Head (Ariana/You)Where stories live. Discover now